Umecit – University in Panama

Reaccreditation of the Bioethics Committee of UMECIT

The National Research Bioethics Committee of Panama, after conducting an exhaustive audit and evaluation, has determined that the Research Bioethics Committee of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT) is accredited to evaluate clinical studies, approve or reject, follow up and supervise the studies received at the institution for evaluation.

This accreditation was approved by the Plenary of the National Research Bioethics Committee at the meeting of June 27, 2023, based on the results of the audit and evaluation carried out by this committee. The accreditation is valid for two years.

This certification ratifies that the Research Bioethics Committee of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology complies with the requirements and standards established to carry out an ethical and responsible evaluation of clinical studies at the institution.