Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT highlights student participation in the Forum on Child Labor in commemoration of the World Day against this scourge

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- is proud of the outstanding participation of the students of the Physiotherapy and Psychology Degrees of Panama and La Chorrera in the Forum "Let's act now: put an end to Child Labor." This relevant event, organized by the Senniaf, the Ministry of Labor and the Ombudsman's Office, took place on June 29 as part of the Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor in commemoration of the World Day against Child Labor.

The Psychology Coordinator of Chorrera, Mag. Miriam Aparicio, and the Extension Director, Mag. Teresa de Irving, accompanied the students during this important Forum. Participation in this event contributes to strengthen the link with the environment, the inclusion of priority groups and awareness within the educational community of UMECIT, in full coordination with the projects promoted by the Coordination of University Welfare, the Directorate of Extension and the Academy.

The commemoration of the World Day Against Child Labor, established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) on June 12 each year, aims to highlight the plight of child laborers and to promote a global movement against child labor.

During the Forum, UMECIT students actively participated in presentations by leading specialists, addressing issues such as the Regulatory Framework of Child Labor in Panama and its advances, by Licdo. Roderick Chaverri, from the Directorate Against Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers; the Promotion of the Human Rights of Children and Adolescents and alternatives for exposing complaints, presented by Licda. Anna Karina Salerno, from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Panama; and the Actions in the framework of child labor from human mobility, exposed by Licda. Victoria Chavarría, from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

UMECIT reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of good practices for the prevention and eradication of child labor, through the continuous training of its university community and the constant linkage with the environment. These actions reflect our Neociberhumanist Curricular Educational Model and its integral approach to education, science and technology.