Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT Internationalization Week 2022

On the first day, the topics presented by the invited speakers were tourism and education. Students, teachers and administrators participated in the event in a hybrid format, in the opening ceremony, which was attended by the Academic Vice Chancellor, Hermes Mauricio Sierra, who emphasized the importance of internationalization in the academic life of students.

Héctor Álvarez Contreras, representing the University of Morelia, Michoacán, presented the topic: Brief reflections on tourism in Mexico and the challenges in caring for its cultural heritage, where he spoke about the cultural tourism industry as one of the most important in
the national economy, pointing out that the most important challenges revolve around the interpretations of the international guidelines established by organizations from different regions of the world, which regulate this issue, and the search for a balance between the scientific preservation of cultural heritage and making it profitable in contemporary social and economic dynamics.

The student of the Doctorate in Education of our House of Studies, Néstor Julián Pérez Rincón, participated in the presentation, from the department of Caquetá-Colombia, as moderator in the question and answer session and interventions were carried out by the Ambassador of Panama in
Mexico, His Excellency Alfredo Armando Oranges Bustos, from Mexico City, as well as Professor Jean Joseph Mathews.

At the end of the exchange, the University of Morelia made a presentation with Oscar Ayala Hurtado - Director of Publicity and Institutional Communication, so that both the virtual and face-to-face room could learn about the University, its projects, programs and various topics of interest to the community, such as your incoming mobility programme.
Students of the Bilingual Tourism Degree AA-2022 D, held an information stand about Mexico where they shared content and a tasting of Mexican sweets and snacks for
those present in the auditorium.

For the second day of the event, which was held virtually, the discussion on research was presented where Dr. Jorge Villatoro, a medical sciences researcher at the Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz National Institute of Psychiatry, gave a historical tour of the institute. and all its research projects, likewise, he presented the functional structure of the institute and the research programs in health sciences, in a discussion that included the participation of professor Iris Reyes Lindo, as part of the UMECIT research group and who is in the process of carrying out a joint investigation between the National Institute of Psychiatry and the UMECIT. 

On the 3rd day, there was virtual and face-to-face participation at the Veneto A campus of students, administrators, and graduates for the presentation by Master Margarita Anayatzin Tapia Paniagua, a professor at the University of Morelia, who presented the topic: Early relational trauma and its implications for brain development.

Although much has been studied about the emotional repercussions of a bad parent-child relationship, in recent research neurobiology has provided evidence about the repercussions of not having had a secure bond with primary caregivers on brain development. During this presentation, bonding behavior was reviewed, the response mechanisms to the threat to the self from the womb, what are the traces it leaves in a brain in formation, as well as the attempted solutions proposed to date.

Yamileth Del Carmen Peláez Montenegro, graduate of UMECIT from the school of psychology, participated as moderator for this section.

As the second part of the program, the Contemporary University of the Americas (UNICLA) presented the presentation on Law, The victim and the legal adviser in the accusatory penal system of Mexico, by Prosecutor Jorge Alberto Camacho, where he addressed through a comparative analysis the adversarial penal systems of Panama and Mexico.  

For this presentation, Luz Granucci, UMECIT administrator, participated as a moderator in the final conference of Internationalization Week, by 2023, the academic day will have Argentina as the guest country.