Umecit – University in Panama

Follow-up to the agreement between UMECIT and IMELCF

The Research, Innovation and Postgraduate and Extension departments of our House of Studies, attended, this Monday, March 13, a meeting at the headquarters principal of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences - IMELCF- with the objective of resuming aspects inherent to the renewal of the agreement interinstitutional between both institutions.

The meeting was propitious to review joint research topics that have been being evaluated, both by UMECIT and by the IMELCF, to contribute from research and extension to important problems in the area of criminalistics and forensic sciences, making joint efforts that impact on the advancement of science and the development of research in the country. Likewise, within the framework of the meeting, an assessment was made of the contributions that both institutions have carried out within the framework of the inter-institutional agreement that has held for several years and the commitment to continue contributing jointly, to this special training area, making efforts collaborations to offer the country suitable and highly qualified professionals, to meet the needs that Panama requires in this area of knowledge.

On behalf of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, were present Dr. Gisela Jurado, Director of the Secretariat for Teaching, Research and Normative; Engineer Teodolinda Quintero, Head of the Cooperation Office International Technician and a representative of the Department of Legal Advice. 

By part of UMECIT, Dr. Magdy De las Salas, Research Director, Innovation and Postgraduate; Magister Teresa de Irving, Director of Extension, the Master Carlos Eduardo Martínez Coordinator of Agreements and Internationalization and the magister Abilio Moreno Coordinator of the Research Center.