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Umecit – University in Panama

VI Legal Update Seminar: Gino Pietro Osellame Rosillo

This seminar will provide an opportunity to keep up to date on relevant legal developments in the country and internationally. Aspects of the professional bar exam syllabus and its parameters will be included as part of UMECIT's commitment to its students.

The VI Legal Update Seminar: Gino Pietro Osellame Rosillo is part of the celebration of the Lawyer's Day in Panama, in honor of the outstanding Panamanian jurist, Dr. Justo Arosemena. The Day of the Lawyer is an occasion to recognize the work and commitment of lawyers in the promotion of justice, the defense of rights and the construction of a solid legal system in Panama.

Dr. Justo Arosemena was a transcendental figure in the history of Panama and in the development of law in the country. His commitment to justice and the defense of human rights are an example for all lawyers and legal professionals.

For law students, participation in the seminar will validate eight (8) hours of the Legal Clinic, as long as they have certification. 

  • Date: August 8-9, 2023
  • Time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Modality: hybrid (face-to-face - virtual) 
  • Venue: Conference Room, Founders Headquarters
  • Cost for certification: B/. 25.00 students and teachers, B/. 35.00 external public
  • Registration:
  • For more information: and