Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT and the Public Ministry sign a cooperation agreement

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- headed by the Rector, José Alberto Nieto Rojas and the Attorney General of the Nation, Javier Enrique Caraballo Salazar, signed a cooperation agreement with the purpose of establishing the bases of cooperation activities between both signatory entities, in certain areas, such as technical, scientific and cultural training, professional practices and other educational development activities that are of common interest.

The agreement offers the possibility to officials of the Public ministry to study undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, with a discount equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) in the monthly payments of the different Technician and Bachelor's degrees, and five percent (5%) for Specialization, Masters or other study plans .

Likewise, facilitate the participation of officials in seminars and other programs, with academic validity, within the curricula in which they are enrolled at UMECIT. Said discount will also be extensive for the relatives of the personnel who work in the Public Ministry, in the first degree of consanguinity. 

On the other hand, the agreement indicates that a discount of fifteen percent (15%) will be granted on the monthly payment, to the relatives, within the first degree of consanguinity, of the collaborators of the Public Ministry, at the International Bilingual Institute (IBI). Enrollment, degree rights and other expenses will be paid by the student.

The agreement includes the possibility of jointly organizing events and activities, such as: Congresses, seminars, symposiums, workshops, conferences, among others.

For its part, the Public Ministry is committed to providing UMECIT students, who take the complete plan of their careers, the opportunity to carry out Professional Practice in their last year in the areas of Law and Political Science, Computer Science, Business Administration , English, Psychology, as well as other careers related to the work carried out in the institution, in order to generate experience and community service actions.

The signing of the agreement was attended by the Public Ministry: Javier Enrique Caraballo, Attorney General of the Nation; Azael Samaniego, Undersecretary General of the Public Ministry; Nigma Muñoz, Administrative Secretary of the Public Ministry and Maruquel Castroverde, Director of the Public Ministry School and from UMECIT, José Alberto Nieto Rojas, Rector; María Piedad Nieto, Administrative Vice Chancellor; Hermes Mauricio Sierra, Academic Vice Chancellor; Rosa Idali Castañeda, Legal Counsel; Martha Cecilia Lozano, Director of Marketing and Customer Service; Ricardo Camarena, Academic Director; Merlyng Flores, Director of Extension and Carlos Martínez Coordinator of Agreements and Internationalization.

In principle, this agreement is valid for five years, which may be renewed according to the evaluation of its relevance.