Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT and the Ministry of the Environment sign an agreement to strengthen professional skills in sustainable development

Our House of Studies signed a memorable agreement of cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, which has the purpose of strengthening the professional capacities of civil servants of said entity.

The Rector, Dr. José Alberto Nieto, praised the experience of UMECIT for carry out the important work of training MiAmbiente staff.

For his part, the Minister, Dr. Milcíades Concepción stated that With this academic backing, the aim is to strengthen the technical, academic, professional and scientific capacity of the staff of the Ministry at all levels.

“Never, in the history of the Republic of Panama, had an outstanding both on this issue of sustainable development and the environment. Recently the oceans conference was concluded with the participation of 100 countries and the country that stood out was Panama, in the same act a Executive Decree where it is evidenced that Panama is the second country in the world that is protecting the oceans, plus Panama is one of the 3 countries with the negative carbon footprint and with the 68 % of forest, the agreement is a good opportunity to promote consultancies environment," said the minister.

Milciades Concepción, Minister of the Environment and the rector of our House of Studies, José A. Nieto,accompanied by Rosa Idalí Castañeda, legal adviser and Carlos E. Martínez,Coordinator of Agreements and Internalization by UMECIT, and Domiluis Domínguez, Director of Environmental Impact Assessment; Fabiola Vega, Head of International Affairs and Yelena Rodríguez, Director of Communications, on behalf of MiAmbiente.