Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT and CONAPRED united in the prevention of drug consumption

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- is a member of the academic chapter of the National Drug Observatory of Panama, of the National Commission for the Study and Prevention of Drugs -CONAPRED- since 2017.

The relationship between the two bodies is the framework that consolidates the initiative of our University to carry out the Inter-University Roundtable for the Prevention of Drug Consumption in the 21st Century.

Taking the above into account, a successful meeting was held with the participation of Dr. Nadja Porcell, Coordinator of the National Observatory on Drugs; Dr. Gressy Zuniga, liaison for the academic chapter on behalf of UMECIT; the Mag. Teresa de Irving Extension Director, Dr. Abilio Moreno and the General Psychology bachelor's degree team, Lic. Linette Govea, Lic. Víctor Tejada and Lic. Miriam Aparicio.

Students from the General Psychology program and professors from seven universities will be participating in this roundtable, along with national and international experts on the subject, with the aim of promoting the development of strategies proposed from the academy, guided by professionals with extensive experience in the field.

It is important to highlight the commitment of the Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología -UMECIT- in the prevention of drug use, through its participation in the academic chapter of the National Drug Observatory of Panama and the implementation of the Inter-University Roundtable for the Prevention of Drug Use in the 21st Century.

Likewise, the participation of students and teachers demonstrates the importance of collaboration and teamwork to address relevant issues such as drug use prevention.

We hope that this initiative will have a positive impact on Panamanian society and contribute to reducing drug consumption and promoting a culture of prevention and health care.