Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT participated in the 4th edition of the MEIN 2022 Award

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology - UMECIT - participated in the Inter-American Award for Innovative Educational Models in Higher Education - MEIN - 4th edition, 2022.

The theme selected for this year by our House of Studies was the "Implementation of a flipped classroom at the higher education level focused on project-based learning" and the presentation of the same, was in charge of the team of Adriana Montfort de Juliao, Carlos Arturo Retamozo Castillo, Cornelia Ormelis Rodríguez, Eduardo Antonio Dixon Frías, and Lisbeth Champsaur Mojica, who were participants in the diploma course on teaching skills for the formulation of educational projects at the Polytechnic University of Madrid-UPM-.

UMECIT congratulates the participants in this edition of the MEIN Award, for their professionalism, dedication and research on a topic so in line with the current needs in education.

"He MEIN Award is an initiative promoted by the Inter-American University Organization (OUI) that seeks to promote knowledge, dissemination and exchange of innovative educational trends and practices implemented in the HEIs of the continent. Since 2016, three MEIN Award editions have been held in the Dominican Republic (MEIN Award 2016), Colombia (MEIN Award 2018) and Mexico (MEIN Award 2020), which have mobilized more than 116 OUI member higher education institutions in 16 countries of the continent. .

The fourth edition of the MEIN Prize is co-organized with the Center for International Education (CIE) and the Department of Modern and Classical Languages (MCL) at George Mason University. The Center for International Education conducts research that addresses issues of social injustice and inequality around the world by designing and executing research and development projects in PK-University settings. In addition, it supports educators' capacity for teaching and learning by connecting international scholars, developing international-mindedness and intercultural competence through professional learning and affiliated degree programs. The Department of Modern and Classical Languages is at the center of the global, multilingual community that distinguishes George Mason University, fusing students' acquisition of language skills with the development of cultural awareness, critical thinking, and ethics."

*With information taken from