Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT demonstrates strength in regional drill, highlighting its emergency preparedness and response

Our University demonstrated the strength of its processes during the Third Regional Emergency Drill of the Republic of Panama, with an orderly and well-organized protocol that was carried out in all UMECIT sites nationwide, which was crucial to evaluate the preparedness and response to emergency situations.

This emergency drill tested the response capacity of an institution in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, fires, earthquakes, among others. It provided an opportunity to identify strengths and areas for improvement in safety and evacuation protocols, as well as in the coordination between staff and students.

The fact that the drill began at 12:05 p.m. last Tuesday, July 13, indicates that it was carried out according to a specific schedule, aligned with the instructions of the national government. This reflects proper planning and timely execution.

It was very valuable that UMECIT actively participated in this regional drill, as it demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of its educational community. These exercises are essential to ensure an effective response and to protect the life and integrity of all those involved.

The results of the drill have been analyzed by the Administrative Vice Rectory and serve as a basis for further improving processes and strengthening emergency preparedness in the future.