Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT celebrated the Epiphany bringing joy to Punta Alegre, Darién

On Epiphany Day, the UMECIT community came together to bring light and joy to Punta Alegre, Darién. The Three Wise Men of UMECIT embarked on a unique journey to this beautiful community, located 45 minutes by boat from Puerto Quimba, through mountainous landscapes and the vast open sea.

Last Saturday, January 6, more than 150 boys and girls from Punta Alegre participated in an unforgettable day, full of games, piñatas and the delivery of gifts, in an emotional meeting organized by a group of six people committed to the well-being of community.

The initiative received support not only from UMECIT, but also from businessmen and generous people who joined this noble cause. Parents and SENAFRONT units joined the effort, contributing to the care of the environment and leaving the area in impeccable conditions.

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- demonstrated its social commitment in action. The Accreditation team, led by Dr. Gressy Zúñiga and Lic. Alanis Tamayo, played a crucial role in the planning and execution of the project, supported by the highest authorities of the institution.

We appreciate the warm welcome from the community of Punta Alegre, Darien and hope to continue sharing moments of love and joy in the future.