Umecit – University in Panama

Disability Week

The United Nations General Assembly in 1992 proclaimed the December 3 As the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. With the firm objective of promoting the rights and well-being of people with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, as well as raising awareness about their situation in all aspects of educational, political, social, economic and cultural life. . For this reason, UMECIT within the University Well-being Program contemplates Inclusive Education that crosses all areas of the university to attend to those who have a disability.

The Department of Extension and University Well-being come together to generate spaces for awareness, dissemination and resilience of the population so that we can all understand that INCLUSION - EQUALITY - EQUITY "A COMMITMENT OF EVERYONE".

Be part of the change and join!

November 30, 2022Visit Team “A Goal for Panama” Place: Cancha Alcaldía Santana. PanamaGenerate interaction between university students and the population declared in the Prioritized Groups of the Inclusive Education ProgramStudents of Psychology, Social Work, Physiotherapy and Physical Education. Welfare university. Extension Coordination
December 1, 2022conversation. Umecit, Inclusive University: "Breaking Barriers in Education" Place: Founders Headquarters Conference Room (Panama) Time: 6:00 pm a space to sensitize the Umecista community about the importance of socio-educational inclusion of people with disabilities.Students and teachers of Psychology and other careers with a view to accreditation
December 2, 2022Institutional Fair: Deja tu Huella Foundation, Parque Unión in the city of Chitré, time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Raise awareness in society about aspects related to disability, in addition, raise awareness and promote support for the dignity, rights and well-being of people with disabilitiesThe Promotion Coordination and the group of Social Work students will attend with a stand. Responsible: Anielka Samaniego and Nataniel Abrego
December 2, 2022Workshop: Fundación Niños Down de Herrera Theme: "We are people of value, who value people and add value to them" directed by Mgtr. Pablo Hernández, and "Interpersonal relations with children and adults with various disabilities" with the speaker Lic. Dubier Villarreal. Place: UNIPA Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Improve care for people with disabilities in all social and educational contexts.Two students and a teacher will be assigned to participate in the activity. The organization granted us three attendance slots at UMECIT.
December 2, 2022Council of Rectors Training day: "Accessibility to Information and Communication Technologies" Place: Zoom platform.Present methods and techniques for the use of inclusive language within academic and marketing-commercialization processes, in order to eliminate communication barriers.Coordination of University Wellness and Academic Vice Rector
December 3, 2023Torchlight Ride in the City of Chitré Location: Starting from Super Poll Mart to Chitré Union Park.Make visible and compensate disabilitiesLaw Group and Professor Zaida Córdoba

Event 1st. December face-to-face and virtual. Please register at the following link