Umecit – University in Panama

Do not normalize violence against women, report it

Next Saturday, November 26, 2022, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, we will carry out in Panama East - Megamall Headquarters- the Cinema-forum: Do not normalize violence against women, report it.

This will be an activity offered by the Social Work Bachelor students under the direction of Professor Yelitza González of the Guidance Techniques course.

Within the framework of the event, the film "Las Sufragistas" will be screened, where the panelists will talk about the film and the presentation of a survey carried out within our House of Studies with results and recommendations will be carried out.

The invited speakers are:

licda. Nery Yee It is the National Secretary for Training and Professional Development of the Women's Front of the PRD, who will talk to us about political violence to which women are exposed in these spaces of society.

licda. yelitza gonzalez from the labor approach as National Director of Gender Equity and Equal Opportunities of MITRADEL to speak from the work part of attention to workers.

licda. belkis rodriguez Funda Morgan Social Worker from the point of view of a social worker.