Umecit – University in Panama

Signing of Agreements for Progress and Collaboration at UMECIT Chitré Headquarters

August 10, 2023 marked an important moment in the commitment of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT-, Chitré Headquarters, with the advancement and development of this region, given that in a protocol act of signing agreements, Strategic alliances were established between our House of Studies and the Ideas Maestras Foundation, the Ayola Labrador SA Company and the Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Chitré.

The Mgter. Anielka U. de Samaniego, Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Coordinator, highlighted the importance of these alliances as fundamental pillars for the progress of the local community and beyond. In his speech, he highlighted the conviction of the University in its central role in regional and global development, stressing the need to maintain solid connections with the various actors in the community: politicians, businesses, NGOs, civics, and churches.

These cooperation agreements not only formalize these essential ties, but also stand as vital instruments to satisfy the demands of a dynamic environment that requires the collaboration of all its members in favor of the advancement of the region that the university integrates.

The Mgter. Anielka U. de Samaniego stressed the urgent need to address projects and practices that strengthen the institutional educational project, adapting to the challenges of postmodernity. This implies responding to the changing needs of the region and the country, with the aim of guaranteeing the sustainability of the university community in the face of environmental, economic, social, cultural challenges and more.

One of the key approaches is to consolidate UMECIT's inter-institutional linkage, generating significant contributions to address common needs through collaborative efforts. 

Anielka reaffirmed that the act of studying is a multidimensional practice that depends on multiple facets, and this inter-institutional union will foster an environment conducive to learning and excellence.

These agreements mark an exciting chapter in the history of UMECIT Headquarters Chitré, where collaboration, commitment and a shared vision come together to promote a promising future for the region and its inhabitants.