Umecit – University in Panama

Exploring the Wealth of Our Nature: Research on Mangroves in El Pilón de Montijo

We are pleased to share the fruits of the research carried out by students Alin Him and Yipsia Rudas, who have excelled in the Bachelor of Environmental Management Administration at the Santiago Campus. His project, titled “Promoting Environmental Awareness in the Community of El Pilón de Montijo: Importance and Protection of Mangroves,” has been a dedicated effort to understand the vitality of mangroves in the province of Veraguas.

As part of the Research and Extension Environment program between Reima and UMECIT, these young researchers immersed themselves in field work to evaluate the importance of mangroves in the community. Its objective is to raise environmental awareness and promote concrete actions for the protection and conservation of these crucial ecosystems.

We are eager to share the findings and results of this research, which will undoubtedly contribute to creating greater environmental awareness in the community. 

Join us on this journey towards understanding and preserving the natural wealth of El Pilón de Montijo.

 Discover how every small effort counts in protecting our mangroves!