Umecit – University in Panama

Exploring Horizons in Physiotherapy: 3rd UMECIT Health Sciences Symposium

Within the framework of the 3rd Symposium on Health Sciences, the research teachers of the Physiotherapy career, shared with the academic community within the framework of knowledge transfer actions from research to teaching, their progress and results of institutional research that they are currently developing in our House of Studies.

The event began with a presentation by the external guest on the Role of the physiotherapist in sports by Mgtr. Grerys Soto, from PANDEPORTES. 

On behalf of UMECIT, the teachers of the Lic in Physiotherapy participated: Lourdes Iribarren; Natalie Vásquez, Daniela Flores and Miguel Suncín. 

Internationalization was also present with the presentation of Mgter Luis Gabriel Rangel, who presented the results of a research that is developed within the framework of the inter-institutional agreement UMECIT-Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia. 

The topics developed were: Metric monitoring technology for risk mitigation in soccer players; Complementary evaluations in clinic and field through physical fitness entrance tests in professional soccer players; The UMECIT academic Physiotherapy laboratory to obtain epidemiological profiles; Prevalence of pathologies, injuries and myalgia in joints and muscles in musicians of the Music and Art Foundation of Panama and the relationship between physical activity and sleep time, with non-communicable diseases in university administrators.

This symposium highlighted UMECIT's commitment to research and knowledge transfer, thus strengthening the connection between research and teaching for the benefit of the academic community. 

Thank you to all participants for your valuable contribution!