Umecit – University in Panama

Delivery of Adjusted Institutional Improvement Plan (PMIA)

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- delivered the Adjusted Institutional Improvement Plan (PMIA), at the facilities of the National Council for Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities of Panama -CONEAUPA- in order to request the endorsement of the Council , the foregoing in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Resolution No. 10 of November 7, 2022, published in the official digital gazette No. 29670 of November 24, 2022, through which the reaccreditation certification was issued. institution to this House of Studies for a period of six years.

He was received by the doctor Maria del Carmen Terrientes de Benavides, Executive Secretary to the Rector, Doctor José Alberto Nieto Rojas.

He was accompanied by the director of accreditation, Dr. Gressy Zúñiga and Rosa Idali Castañeda González, from the Department of Legal Advice. #somosumecit #coneaupa #consejodirectoresdepanama #auppa