Umecit – University in Panama

Gala Dinner at the Annual Meeting of Graduates and Vestigium Award

The Extension Department and the Continuing Education and Graduates subprogram are pleased to invite you to the great Gala Dinner in celebration of the V Annual Meeting of Graduates, a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences that strengthen the institutional educational project, consolidating the sense of Umecista identity in our graduates.

Within this great gala, we will have the participation of prominent professionals from the world of finance and business, who will address the topic "Digital economy in the transformation of society's lifestyles" in a discussion, from the perspective of your line of work. Professionals of the level of Joaquín Victoria, representative of IPANDETEC, who will not speak about Opportunities and new business alternatives in the Digital Economy; Diego Ortiz De Ceballos, representing PRO-PANAMÁ, who will address the issue of Panama as a commercial hub and the digital age; and the Licda. Julissa Brouwer, representing INAMU, will tell us about the economic impact on the empowerment of women, after Covid-19.

It should be noted that, within the program of activities of this great night, the delivery of the Vestigium Award will take place, a recognition that distinguishes the significance of the traces generated by UMECIT graduates, based on their merits in the academic area- investigative, socio-community, cultural-sports, Resilience in difficult times (entrepreneurship - Innovate and/or reinvent), demonstrating the values of institutional identity.

With this event, Umecit, aware of the relevance of graduates for society, as for this house of studies, intends to strengthen ties of cooperation through activities and programs that root in the graduate the sense of belonging to his alma mater.

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