Umecit – University in Panama

Training for teachers from Santiago and Chitre headquarters to strengthen the Formulation of Research Projects.

The team of the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies conducted a training workshop for teachers from the Santiago and Chitré headquarters. The main objective of the workshop was to provide training on the formulation of research projects, in line with the results obtained from the diagnosis of research needs and priorities in the regions.

During the meeting, which took place on May 17 and 18, several relevant topics were discussed. One of them was the use of bibliographic and technological tools and resources, both for their application in the classroom and for practical research. In addition, documents and procedures related to the research area were reviewed to ensure proper project management.

Emphasis was also placed on the importance of organizing research groups as a way of energizing research at the headquarters. These groups will enable the educational institution to make valuable contributions to the solution of priority problems in the regions.

Thus, the training workshop conducted by the Research, Innovation and Graduate Management team focused on the formulation of research projects articulated with the results of the diagnosis of needs and priorities in the regions. The participating teachers had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of bibliographic and technological tools and resources, review documents and procedures related to research, and learn about the organization of research groups. These actions seek to strengthen the institution's capacity to address challenges and contribute to the development of the regions through relevant research.