The UMECIT Research Bioethics Committee is accredited by the CNBI
UMECIT celebrates this recognition to the Bioethics Committee of the
Closing of the recycling campaign "Let's make a difference, recycle"
With a large participation of students, teachers
Project: Axis Changing Lives
Committed to the Axis Changing Lives project carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Development
X Health Fair UMECIT 2022: Your health, your priority!
The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- within the framework of its
Teachers participated in socialization sessions on Reaccreditation
In order to sensitize teachers
Students receive training on the institutional reaccreditation process
With face-to-face sessions, at the Fundadores Headquarters
Rector works to strengthen the academy and internationalization in the Dominican Republic
With an intense agenda, the Rector of
The Social Worker and the Financial Administration
The social worker is always linked to individuals and, as part of his process
"Rare Diseases" Day
This February 24 was held in the Auditorium of the Metropolitan University