What university preparation do you need to strengthen your career in Human Resources?
Pay attention to these 5
Gala Dinner at the Annual Meeting of Graduates and Vestigium Award
The Extension Directorate and the
UMECIT participated in the 4th edition of the MEIN 2022 Award
The theme selected for this year by our House of
Multitudinous X Health Fair 2022
A pleasant meeting was held between Deputy Corina Cano Córdoba and the Rector of our House
Environmental disasters and their affectation to the vegetal mass in Panama
We begin the month of November and with it the honor of being able to honor our Panamanian homeland for its history
Denisse Marie Juárez, a criminalistics professional with a passion for dance
We begin the month of November and with it the honor of being able to honor our Panamanian homeland for its history
UMECIT headquarters David participates in the FANLYC Relay for Life walk
Students in Physiotherapy
Technical, Logistical and Cultural Cooperation Agreement between UMECIT and SERVIESTIBA, SA
As part of the continuous improvement of its processes, the