Umecit – University in Panama



The agreements signed by the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology are a way of maintaining joint coordination with public or private, international or national institutions, which specify cooperation in those areas of common interest in which both parties can carry out research work. research, extension and teaching. The foregoing through joint actions and joint coordination of human and technical resources.

The purpose of the proposed agreements is to promote the development of higher education, scientific and technological research, and the holding of outreach events for the community. Similarly, it seeks to undertake actions in order to exceed the academic level of teaching, professional practice and university social work in a perspective of integration of efforts.

The agreements that are presented below are a benefit for the entire university community, developing national and international mobility through internships.

Framework Agreements

Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses
Agreement Type: Framework

Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical and cultural cooperation that are of mutual interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 13/12/2016
Aldeas Infantiles SOS Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

SOS Children's Villages Panama

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as: professional practice, in the different areas of interest to both parties, as well as updating or training activities in others.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 13/12/2016
Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos de la República de Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

Meritorious Fire Department of the Republic of Panama

  • Objective: "To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions."
  • Country: Panama - Signature Date: 11/14/2023
Policía Nacional de Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

National Police of Panama

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions, in different areas such as: professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 11/10/2018
Firma Legal Castillo & Nieto
Agreement Type: Framework

Castillo & Nieto Law Firm

  • Objective: To establish the bases for carrying out technical, scientific and cultural cooperation activities between both parties, in different specific areas, such as professional practice and social work, as well as updating, training or improvement activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/06/18
Hospital San Fernando
Agreement Type: Framework

San Fernando Hospital

  • Objective: To join forces to advance joint actions on issues of mutual interest to each of the parties, based on the substantive functions of academic management, such as teaching, research and outreach, such as carrying out academic internships, professional internships, clinical rotations under the supervision of professors hired by UMECIT, so that there is strict supervision of the student's activity, with a view to their learning and qualification. Develop actions that contemplate the link between the student and the labor market, which allow the concretization of their skills and/or knowledge. Conduct research under the bioethical regulations and principles linked to the development of formative and institutional research, where the integration of academic research is given, as long as this program does not entail the hospital assuming additional risks in the provision of services to its patients.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 12/18/2019
Patronato de la Ciudad del Niño
Agreement Type: Framework

Board of Trustees of Ciudad del Niño

  • Objective: To establish the bases for social, technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions, in different areas such as: professional practice, social work; as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 09/08/2019
Consulado General de Colombia en Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

Consulate General of Colombia in Panama

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as in research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 03/07/2019
Agreement Type: Framework


  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both parties. This includes support for secondary schools, both public and private, through an electronic book database specifically aimed at them (eLibro Secundaria).
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 03/07/2019
Consorcio STC S.A.Sertracen
Agreement Type: Framework

STC SAsertracen Consortium

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 03/07/2019
PH Consulting & Legal Services
Agreement Type: Framework

PH Consulting & Legal Services

  • Objective: To join forces to advance joint actions on issues of mutual interest to both parties, such as diplomas or specializations in Administration of Housing Complexes under the Horizontal Property Regime.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 04/25/23
Acrópolis Capacitaciones S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

Acrópolis Capacitaciones S.A.

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/15/2020
Ministerio de Salud
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Health

  • Objective: To establish a reference framework, as well as the criteria and standards that allow for the development of an adequate regulation and coordination of access and use by UMECIT students to the facilities and care and research processes developed by health institutions of varying complexity of the MINSA. In addition, to offer the MINSA training and/or continuing education opportunities in the undergraduate and technical courses, courses, postgraduate courses, master's degrees and doctorates developed by UMECIT and that are of interest to the MINSA.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 02/10/2020
Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development

  • Objective: To develop cooperation actions in order to exchange technical assistance for the progress of institutional functions, as well as to jointly establish programs and projects with a view to contributing to the progress of the country.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 01/14/20
El Municipio de Sambú, Municipio de Cemaco y el Concejo de Coordinación Comarcal Emberá Wounaan
Agreement Type: Framework

The Municipality of Sambú, Municipality of Cemaco and the Emberá Wounaan Regional Coordination Council

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific, cultural and higher education cooperation and collaboration between both institutions in different areas, such as higher education, professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/03/20
Instituto para la Formación y Aprovechamiento de Recursos Humanos (IFARHU)
Agreement Type: Framework

Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (IFARHU)

  • Objective: To establish inter-institutional coordination and collaboration to benefit young Panamanian professionals interested in studying in the programs offered by UMECIT, with funding provided through IFARHU. In addition, to maintain a link between both institutions to develop projects that benefit students and professionals, and that are mutually beneficial for both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/08/20
Shenker Panama S.A
Agreement Type: Framework

Shenker Panama SA

  • Objective: To establish inter-institutional coordination and collaboration to benefit young Panamanian professionals interested in studying in the programs offered by UMECIT, with funding provided through IFARHU. In addition, to maintain a link between both institutions to develop projects that benefit students and professionals, and that are mutually beneficial for both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 01/07/20
Arcos Dorados
Agreement Type: Framework

Golden Arches

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between the parties in different areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/20/21
Liga de Football Americano de Este, S.A. (LIFAE)
Agreement Type: Framework

Liga de Football Americano de Este, S.A. (LIFAE)

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as in sports, research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/20/21
Municipio de Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

Panama Municipality

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional practice, social work, as well as research, updating and training activities in other areas of shared interest by both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 10/18/2021
MiniMed Corp
Agreement Type: Framework

MiniMed Corp

  • Objective: To define the foundations for technical, scientific and cultural collaboration between both entities in various areas, such as professional practice, social service and research, updating or training activities in other topics of shared interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/25/21
Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá (UMIP)
Agreement Type: Framework

International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP)

  • Objective: To establish, in the fields of interest specific to their duties and responsibilities, collaboration on projects and/or programs of mutual interest through training in maritime areas.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 09/16/21
Ministerio de Educación MEDUCA
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Education MEDUCA

  • Objective: To establish the necessary mechanisms to develop cooperation actions between the Ministry of Education and UMECIT, with the aim of carrying out projects aimed at achieving educational excellence.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 01/20/21
Ministerio de Gobierno
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Government

  • Objective: To promote sustainable development by carrying out training activities, exchanging experiences and providing technical advice, which allow for the training of human resources and the strengthening of the programs and projects that both institutions develop.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 04/21/21
Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito El Educador RL
Agreement Type: Framework

Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito El Educador RL

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas such as: professional practice, social work; as well as research, updating or training activities, in others, of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 05/09/21
La Asociación de Futbolista de Panamá (AFUTPA)
Agreement Type: Framework

The Panama Soccer Association (AFUTPA)

  • Objective: To define the foundations for technical, scientific and cultural collaboration between both entities in various areas, such as professional practice, social service and research, updating or training activities in other topics of shared interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 06/29/2021
Órgano Judicial
Agreement Type: Framework

Judicial Branch

  • Objective: To carry out technical, scientific and cultural collaboration between both institutions in different areas (professional practice, social work, among others); as well as research, updating and training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 6/16/2021
El Instituto Bilingüe Internacional de Panamá (IBI)
Agreement Type: Framework

The International Bilingual Institute of Panama (IBI)

  • Objective: The main objectives of this agreement are the following: a) To facilitate the supervised professional practice of UMECIT students at the IBI facilities, in various courses of our academic offer, specifically those related to educational administration and management, as well as in the teaching-learning processes that are developed at IBI. b) To promote the teaching of physical-sports subjects of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Personal Training at the IBI facilities, in order to enrich the training of students in this area. c) To provide the opportunity for IBI managers and administrators to take subjects, disciplines, undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education programs at UMECIT, promoting their academic and professional development. d) To jointly carry out various actions that correspond to the nature of both institutions, promoting mutual collaboration in the educational and professional field. The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen academic ties and actively collaborate in the training and development of students and staff of both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Signature Date: 1/8/2021
Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías -IPANDETEC-
Agreement Type: Framework

Panamanian Institute of Law and New Technologies -IPANDETEC-

  • Objective: To define the foundations for technical, scientific and cultural collaboration between both entities in various areas, such as professional practice, social service and research, updating or training activities in other topics of shared interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/25/21
Rastro Marino S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

Marine Trail SA

  • Objective: To define the foundations for technical, scientific and cultural collaboration between both entities in various areas, such as professional practice, social service and research, updating or training activities in other topics of shared interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/25/21
Academia de Fútbol Roman Torrres
Agreement Type: Framework

Roman Torres Football Academy

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas such as: professional practice, social work; as well as research, updating or training activities, in others, of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 5/10/23
Ministerio de Obras Públicas
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Public Works

  • Objective: To establish the foundations for a mutually beneficial inter-institutional relationship, aimed at promoting and carrying out research studies, academic, professional and extension training projects, as well as scientific and technical exchange. This agreement seeks to maximize the use of human resources, infrastructure and equipment of both institutions, without affecting the normal development of their specific activities.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/26/22
Ministerio Público de Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

Public Prosecutor's Office of Panama

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation activities between both entities in specific areas, such as technical, scientific and cultural training, professional internships and other educational development initiatives of common interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/18/22
Secretaría Nacional de Discapacidad -SENADIS
Agreement Type: Framework

National Disability Secretariat -SENADIS

  • Objective: To establish links of cooperation for the development and implementation of academic, scientific, technical and cultural assistance activities between both institutions, in accordance with the plans, programs and projects for support, guidance, care, protection and safeguarding of people with disabilities and their families. These actions will be aimed at improving the quality of the services provided to this population and, consequently, at promoting their social inclusion.
  • Country: Panama - Signature Date: 08/11/2022
Agreement Type: Framework


  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific, cultural and sports cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work and research activities, updating or training in other topics of common interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 06/08/22
Universidad del Arte GANEXA
Agreement Type: Framework

GANEXA Art University

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific, cultural and sports cooperation between both institutions in different areas, such as professional practice, social work and research activities, updating or training in other topics of common interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 04/08/22
Centaury Tecnologys Corporation
Agreement Type: Framework

Centauri Technologies Corporation

  • Objective: To establish coordination guidelines for the development and execution of programs and projects in the areas of computer security and communications, of interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 03/22/22
Agreement Type: Framework


  • Objective: To establish training programs to jointly carry out teaching-learning activities aimed at professional development, especially in areas related to foreign trade.
  • Country: Panama - Signature Date: 06/30/2022
Universidad de Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

University of Panama

  • Objective: The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate and intensify cooperation relations between both institutions in areas of common interest. It establishes the framework for the development of exchange and collaboration actions, in order to carry out joint activities that contribute to the development and strengthening of their inter-institutional cooperation relationship.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 02/13/23
Ministerio de Ambiente
Agreement Type: Framework

Ministry of Environment

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation and technical assistance between the parties in common areas such as teaching, professional practice and extension.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 07/03/23
IME -Instituto Marítimo Español-
Agreement Type: Framework

IME -Spanish Maritime Institute-

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions, focused on the development of research, scientific training, continuing education, the dissemination of knowledge, the professional development of the institutions' staff, as well as any other scientific or cultural area of mutual interest.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 04/26/23
Agreement Type: Framework


  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions in areas of research and/or extension, as well as in the transfer of knowledge and technologies of mutual interest.
  • Signature Date: 05/23/23
Central America Health, Inc. (Clinilab)
Agreement Type: Framework

Central America Health, Inc. (Clinilab)

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional practice in the different areas of mutual interest, as well as in updating or training activities in other relevant areas.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 05/25/23
Secretaria Nacional de Niñez, Adolesencia y Familia (SENNIAF)
Agreement Type: Framework

National Secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family (SENNIAF)

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions in common areas such as teaching, professional practice, outreach, specialized communication in the approach of the comprehensive protection system for minors and families, as well as in research.
  • Country: Panama
Parlamento Latinoamericano (Parlatino)
Agreement Type: Framework

Latin American Parliament (Parlatino)

  • Objective: To consult and exchange information and documentation that promotes cooperation and joint activities. To collaborate with available resources to implement projects that link entities from Latin American and Caribbean countries with each other, as well as with related organizations from other regions of the world, among others.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 08/17/23
Asociacion Deportiva Tauro Futbol Club S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

Tauro Football Club SA Sports Association

  • Objective: The objective of this agreement is to establish the bases for technical cooperation in: Professional practice for UMECIT students, in the field of sports and other areas related to football. Refresher and training activities in different areas of mutual interest, in order to strengthen the professional and academic development of the participants. This agreement seeks to encourage the exchange of knowledge and resources, promoting the growth and comprehensive training of both UMECIT students and Tauros Fútbol Club members.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 05/26/23
Colegio Nacional de Periodistas -CONAPE-
Agreement Type: Framework

National College of Journalists -CONAPE-

  • Objective: The objective of this agreement is to establish the bases for technical cooperation in: Professional practice for UMECIT students, in the field of sports and other areas related to football. Refresher and training activities in different areas of mutual interest, in order to strengthen the professional and academic development of the participants. This agreement seeks to encourage the exchange of knowledge and resources, promoting the growth and comprehensive training of both UMECIT students and Tauros Fútbol Club members.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 09/18/23
Colegio Nacional de Periodistas -CONAPE-
Agreement Type: Framework

National College of Journalists -CONAPE-

  • Objective: The objective of this agreement is to establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as: Professional internship for UMECIT students, in areas related to administration, logistics and transportation services. Joint social work, promoting actions with a positive impact on the community. Sports activities, fostering the well-being and integration of participants. Research, updating and training in various areas of mutual interest, in order to strengthen the academic and professional development of both institutions. This agreement seeks to promote the exchange of knowledge, resources and experiences, favoring the growth and comprehensive training of students and collaborators of both organizations.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 02/08/23
Bancolombia S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

Bancolombia SA

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation between the parties in various areas, such as training or updating activities, volunteering, professional internships, support in the development of the inclusive business plan, and any other activity of common interest to both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 10/10/23
Ayola Labrador  S.A -Chitré-
Agreement Type: Framework

Ayola Labrador SA -Chitre-

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation between the parties in terms of professional practices in various areas of common interest, as well as in updating or training activities, cultural, sports, research, among others.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 10/08/23
Fundación Ideas Maestras
Agreement Type: Framework

Master Ideas Foundation

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation between both institutions in terms of professional practices in the different areas of interest to both parties, as well as in updating or training activities, cultural, sports, research, among others.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 10/08/23
Municipio de Chitré
Agreement Type: Framework

Municipality of Chitre

  • Objective: To establish the bases for cooperation between both institutions in areas of mutual interest, such as professional internships, training or updating activities, cultural and sports activities, research, among others.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 10/08/23
Agreement Type: Framework


  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, professional and cultural cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional internships, social work, as well as research, updating or training activities in other fields of common interest.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 06/09/23
Universidad Abierta de Estudios Especializados
Agreement Type: Framework

Open University of Specialized Studies

  • Objective: To establish an appropriate framework for developing scientific exchange and collaboration actions between the parties.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 03/15/2024
Instuto Técnico Especializado -ITSE-
Agreement Type: Framework

Specialized Technical Institute -ITSE-

  • Objective: To join forces between the parties at the educational, technical, scientific and research levels to strengthen and internationalize the capabilities of the participating institutions, their teaching staff, students and administrative staff, in relation to their respective academic offerings, the joint development of courses and curricular grids, research, development, innovation, exchange, as well as any activity, plan, program and project that promotes the growth of this relationship and benefits both parties. In addition, to establish the bases for technical cooperation in areas such as professional internships, as well as updating or training activities in other areas of mutual interest.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 04/06/24
Hospital Santafé S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

Santafé Hospital S.A.

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional practices, social work, as well as updating or training activities in other areas of common interest for both entities.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 06/19/2024
Asociación Nacional de Practicantes Auxiliares y Técnicos en Enfermería -ANPATE-
Agreement Type: Framework

National Association of Nursing Assistants and Technicians -ANPATE-

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional internships, social work and updating or training activities in other areas of common interest for both parties.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 7/8/2024
Impulsed S E.D.
Agreement Type: Framework

Impulsed S ED

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions in various areas, such as professional internships, social work and updating or training activities in other fields of common interest for both entities.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 3/9/2024
 Grupo Tova
Agreement Type: Framework

Tova Group

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical cooperation between both institutions, covering areas such as professional practice in the retail sector, as well as updating and training activities in other areas of mutual interest.
  • Country: Panama - Signature: 10/29/2024
School Media, S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

School Media, S.A.

  • Objective: To establish the bases for technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between both institutions in different areas such as: professional practice, social work; as well as research, updating or training activities in other areas of interest to both institutions.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 09/18/2019
Sheeq Consulting
Agreement Type: Framework

Sheeq Consulting

  • Objective: Extension activities.
  • Signature Date: 9/18/2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo
Agreement Type: Framework

The Ombudsman's Office

  • Objective: Integration of substantive areas (Research/Extension/academic teaching).
  • Signature Date: 6/22/2018
ELEKTRA Noreste S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

ELEKTRA Noreste S.A.

  • Objective: Several / see observations.
  • Signature Date: 8/24/2018
Banesco Panamá
Agreement Type: Framework

Banesco Panama

  • Objective: Agreements related to the reinforcement of students' skills (Professional Practices).
  • Signature Date: 6/26/2018
La empresa American Sportwear S.A. y las Universidades del Caribe, Euroamericana, Nuestra señora del Carmen
Agreement Type: Framework

The company American Sportwear S.A. and the Universities of the Caribbean, Euroamericana, Nuestra Señora del Carmen

  • Objective: Agreements related to the reinforcement of students' skills (Professional Practices).
  • Signature Date: 10/5/2018
El Machetazo, compañía Goly S.A.
Agreement Type: Framework

El Machetazo, company Goly S.A.

  • Objective: Agreements related to the reinforcement of students' skills (Professional Practices).
  • Signing Date: 05/14/2018
RH Vital
Agreement Type: Framework

RH Vital

  • Objective: Cooperation agreements for extension work.
  • Signature Date: 6/3/2018
La Asociación Panameña para el Planeamiento de la Familia (APLAFA)
Agreement Type: Framework

The Panamanian Association for Family Planning (APLAFA)

  • Objective: The objective of this agreement is to establish the bases for technical cooperation in: Professional practice for UMECIT students, in the field of sports and other areas related to football. Refresher and training activities in different areas of mutual interest, in order to strengthen the professional and academic development of the participants. This agreement seeks to encourage the exchange of knowledge and resources, promoting the growth and comprehensive training of both UMECIT students and Tauros Fútbol Club members.
  • Country: Panama - Date of Signature: 19/7/2017
Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas
Agreement Type: Framework

National Customs Authority

  • Objective: Agreements related to the reinforcement of students' skills (Professional Practices).
  • Signing Date: 05/14/2018
