Umecit – University in Panama

Visit of Psychology Students to Homes for the Elderly in Arraiján and La Chorrera

Last Saturday, June 15, the students of the Bachelor's Degree in General Psychology at the La Chorrera campus carried out a significant visit to the Virgen de La Milagrosa Senior Citizen Homes, in the districts of Arraiján and La Chorrera.

This was an excellent day where the students put their knowledge into practice by carrying out sensory and cognitive evaluations, thus encouraging the members of the research group who participated to develop future research in this area. In addition, they worked on the socio-affective part by sharing with the relatives of the older adults, who also attended the invitation and contributed to the success of the day. Seniors and their families received this day with great joy, enthusiasm and gratitude.

Special thanks are due to Dr. Rafael Sánchez, student of the Specialization in Higher Teaching at UMECIT, who provided his medical care services to each older adult in the home.

The event was held under the guidance of the Psychology coordination by Mgster Miriam Aparicio, together with the extension coordination, Lic. Emmamuel Mendieta, the Research coordination, Lcda. América Martez, and the teacher Belkis Valencia, 

This visit underlines our conscious ethical commitment, reinforcing the cyber-humanist model that identifies us as a university. We continue to promote actions to benefit the community and our seniors!