Umecit – University in Panama

Visit to a media outlet: La Estrella de Panamá & El Siglo

Students from the Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication, Journalism and Digital Media at UMECIT participated in a visit to the newspapers El Siglo and La Estrella de Panamá.

The young people had the valuable opportunity to put into practice the concepts learned in their Media Ecology I class, together with their teacher and also renowned journalist Marlene Testa, who not only has several written press awards such as the National Journalist, Palme d'Or, Best Interview Award, Best Report Award, but also with vast experience as an investigative journalist. 

At the same time they were able to talk with their future colleagues who told them their anecdotes, and they were able to see the important work of graphic designers, photographers and infographic designers. Furthermore, they arrived just at the moment when the press workers begin the newspaper printing processes, so they were able to see first-hand the entire process of creating these two great social media outlets in Panama.