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Umecit – University in Panama

VII Legal Update Seminar “Oriel De Frías”

The Faculty of Law and Forensic Sciences announces the VII Legal Update Seminar "Oriel De Frías", in celebration of Lawyer's Day in Panama, which will take place on August 8 and 9, 2024. This event is a valuable opportunity so that the academic community updates and enriches its knowledge in the legal field.

Lawyer's Day is celebrated on August 9 in commemoration of the birth of Dr. Justo Arosemena (1817-1896), a key figure in the legal and political history of Panama. Dr. Arosemena, recognized as the "Father of the Panamanian State", was a prominent lawyer, statesman and writer whose legacy includes the elaboration of the autonomy project for the Isthmus, known as the "Federal State of Panama." His work was fundamental to the independence of Panama from Colombia, and his influence endures today.

Event Details

Date: August 8 and 9, 2024

Time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Place: Paraninfo, Paraninfo headquarters.

Modality: Hybrid (in-person and virtual)

The seminar will be open to students, graduates, administrative staff and the general public. The topics addressed involve our students from research hotbeds, institutional researchers and other national and international experts under agreements of our university, who will make this seminar an enriching experience for all attendees.


For in-person participants only, the certification will have a cost of B/.25.00 and will be valid as hours of legal consultation for Law and Political Science students. It is important that students validate their attendance both at the entrance and exit of the event to obtain the attendance record from the Legal Office.


We invite all interested parties to register to participate in this significant event. Here you can access the registration link: