Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT and Hospital Santafé SA sign a framework agreement for cooperation

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- and the Santafé SA Hospital have formalized an important framework cooperation agreement that will establish the bases for technical collaboration in various strategic areas. This agreement is key to the development of joint activities, such as professional internships, social work and updating and training programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences, covering undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels.

The signing of the agreement was carried out in the presence of prominent authorities from both institutions. Representing UMECIT were the Rector, Dr. José Alberto Nieto Rojas, the legal advisor, Mgtr. Rosa Castañeda, the coordinator of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Lic. Lourdes Irribaren, and the coordinator of Agreements and Internationalization, Mgtr. Andrea Pinzón Castañeda. Representing Hospital Santafé SA were the vice president, Eng. Juan Alberto García de Paredes, the director of Innovation and New Business, Lic. Maricarmen León, Lic. Yasmin Arauz from B2B Sales, and Lic. Gabriela Concepción, Marketing assistant.

This agreement represents a significant step in the commitment of both institutions to educational excellence and continuous improvement in training and health care. The collaboration will allow the development of programs that will benefit both students and professionals in the sector, promoting innovation and development in the field of health in Panama.

Furthermore, this agreement strengthens the strategic relationship with UMECIT FC, since Hospital Santafé SA is one of its sponsors. This support is essential to continue promoting the comprehensive training of our students and the growth of our team.

With this agreement, UMECIT and Hospital Santafé SA reaffirm their commitment to the advancement of education and health in Panama, guaranteeing the training of highly qualified professionals and strengthening healthcare in the country.