Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT participates in the Universal Treatment Curriculum course

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- participated in the
remote training course in the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC), organized
by the Secretariat of the National Commission for the Study and Prevention of Crimes
Related to Drugs (CONAPRED), with the accompaniment of the technical team of
Colombo Plan's Drug Advisory Program (DAP), with funding from the Office of
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Department of
state of the United States.

The representative for UMECIT was Ms. Linette Govea, Coordinator of Psychology
and Social Work of the Sede de la Chorrera, who received the certificate from the
Mgter. Jissel Maitin, Executive Secretary of CONAPRED.
The event was chaired by the Attorney General of the Nation, Javier Carballo,
accompanied by Brian Morales, Chief of the Anti-Narcotics Section of the Department of
State of the United States and Mariano Montenegro, Director of Plan Colombia of
Latin America and the Caribbean.

Since 2017 UMECIT, represented by Dr. Gressy Zúñiga, develops
training and research with the National Drug Network (RENADRO), contributing
information for the development of intervention strategies in prevention, before
the sensitive issue that affects the human development of society.