
Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT signs cooperation agreement with IMPULSED SEP

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- and SEP-POWERED have signed an important framework agreement for cooperation, which aims to establish the bases for technical collaboration between both institutions. This agreement will allow joint work in key areas such as professional internships, social work, and updating and training activities in various areas of mutual interest.

During the signing, the following were present on behalf of UMECIT:

  • Dr. Jose Alberto Nieto Rojas, Rector
  • Master Santiago Nieto, Vice-Rector for Institutional Projects
  • Master Rosa Castaneda, Legal Advisor
  • Master Patricia Lozano, Director of Communications
  • Master Andrea Pinzón, Coordinator of Agreements and Internationalization

On behalf of IMPULSED, the following attended:

  • Master Rodrigo Bañez, President

This agreement represents a significant step in strengthening institutional ties, and seeks to promote the academic and professional development from both students and collaborators of both organizations. The UMECIT-IMPULSED alliance will promote opportunities for the innovation, learning and joint growth, through training programs and projects with social and educational impact.

UMECIT reaffirms its commitment to the creation of strategic alliances that promote the educational quality and the sustainable development, promoting initiatives that benefit the entire academic and professional community.