Umecit – University in Panama

UMECIT committed to drug prevention and social development

The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- is committed to the development of quality higher education, with a social and equitable sense, and a comprehensive approach characterized by promoting outreach, teaching and research, seeking to train innovative, proactive professionals committed to sustainable development. Within this framework, since 2017, we have been linked to the work carried out by the National Commission for the Study and Prevention of Drugs (CONAPRED), in the Panamanian Observatory of Drugs (OPADRO), from the academic chapter (OPADRO/CA).

OPADRO/CA is made up of focal points from universities, both public and private, in the country and contributes to the development of policies, strategies and mechanisms that promote the development of national diagnoses, extension projects generated in accordance with CONAPRED guidelines, and with the support of CICAD and COPOLAD.

On October 7, the launch of the drug prevention campaign led by CONAPRED – OPADRO, with #ElConsumoTeConsume, was held at the UMECIT David headquarters. The mural was painted with bright colors and applied the cubism technique, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque at the beginning of the 20th century, with the aim of capturing the attention of the entire community in general. The work was carried out by the Columbus University youth group, under the guidance of renowned painter Lena Caballero.

The focal points of the University of Panama, the Maritime University of Panama, Columbus University, Santander University and UMECIT were present with the OPADRO team at this activity. They also participated in the “Launching of the National Drug Network”, held at the David headquarters of UMECIT on October 9, where the academic chapter of the province of Chiriquí was established, with the integration of UNACHI and ISAE.

The event was opened by Lic. Miriam Agudelo, Coordinator of the Chiriquí Campus, representing the Rector, Dr. José A. Nieto, followed by Lic. Jissel Maitín, Executive Secretary of CONAPRED, and Graciela Ahumada, Task Manager of COPOLAD from Brussels.

The launch was filled with topics of interest and professional speakers with experience in the subject of drugs, such as Mgter. Fernando Murray, who explained the concept of RENADRO and its benefits; Lic. Linette Govea, with the topic “Network of Researchers of Panama”; Dr. Gressy Zúñiga presenting the preliminary results of the first phase of the research called “Knowledge generated on the subject of drugs in Panama”, carried out with Dr. Nadja Porcell and Lic. Thais Tejada; followed by the SWOT analysis of the research on drugs in Panama, presented by Lic. Thais Tejada; and the lines of research presented by Lic. Ana Correa and Lic. Sedna Rodríguez.

The event concluded with the presentation of the national drug research agenda in Panama by Dr. Nadja Porcell and the participation of Mgter. Raúl López. With this activity, the commitment of UMECIT David headquarters is consolidated with the development of the strategy for strengthening research with social relevance, in an international context, linking a transdisciplinary and interinstitutional team that converges in the actions that allow the social and equitable development of the community.

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