UMECIT celebrates the impact of its graduates with the Vestigium 2024 award
The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- proudly celebrated the 2024 edition of the Vestigium Award, an award that honors the significant footprints left by its graduates in various fields. The event, held within the framework of the VI Annual Alumni Meeting, included an elegant gala dinner and a program designed to highlight the achievements and transformative impact of its graduates.
The Vestigium Award, established in 2019, recognizes outstanding graduates in the categories Academic-Investigative, Social-Community, Cultural-Sports, and in Resilience in difficult timesThis year, after a rigorous application and selection process, 21 graduates were evaluated, resulting in the selection of several award winners who represent the best of the Umecista spirit.
Featured Winners
- Adonay Ortega Sanchez (Academic-Research Category): A graduate in Business Administration with an emphasis on Exportation of Goods and Services, Ortega leads innovative projects such as “Paperless Panama” and the National Multi-Service Network. His work in Information and Communication Technologies and in the Green Technology program reinforces sustainability and digital transformation in the public sector.
- Mr. Jorge Alexander Frias Gonzalez (Social-Community Category): A graduate in Social Work and Human Development, Frías has led social projects, promoted entrepreneurship in his field and worked with vulnerable communities, significantly impacting community and academic development.
- Lic. Ruben Dario Barahona Steven (Social-Community Category): His work in raising awareness about human rights and the positive impact on hard-to-reach communities, such as the Ngöbe Buglé region, highlights his social commitment. In addition, he is the author of the book The Sound of Faith and has motivated young people to overcome adversity.
- Juan Diego Lopez Castro (Cultural-Sports Category): Sports ambassador and graduate in Physical Education and Personal Training, López has represented UMECIT in international competitions and promoted sporting excellence, also standing out in prestigious sports medicine events in Spain.
Institutional recognition and vision for the future
The Rector of UMECIT, Dr. Jose Alberto Nieto Rojas, highlighted during his speech the importance of maintaining ties between graduates and their alma mater:
«These spaces are a privilege to strengthen ties and remember the transformative impact of education. With more than 25,000 graduates in 20 years, we reaffirm our commitment to quality, innovation and internationalization.»
Nieto also highlighted the university's advances in technological infrastructure, the internationalization of master's and doctoral programs, and the achievements in national and international accreditations that certify the educational quality of UMECIT.
An event that unites and celebrates
The meeting ended in an atmosphere of camaraderie and UMC pride. The attendees shared experiences and reaffirmed their sense of belonging to an institution that continues to make a difference in the training of committed professionals.
UMECIT thanks all the graduates who continue to leave significant footprints in their communities and the world. Together we continue to build a legacy of excellence!