
Umecit – University in Panama

Health Promotion Week: A Success of Collaboration and Awareness

Organized by the Network of Panamanian Health Promoting Universities (REPAUPS), the Council of Rectors of Panama, the High Level Commission to Improve the Public Health System and the Ministry of Health (MINSA), the Health Promotion Week Salud became a prominent event that brought together experts in Health Sciences and educational authorities to promote awareness and exchange of knowledge in the field of public health. 29 universities from across the country participated, making this week a truly collaborative effort.

The inauguration of the Health Promotion Week was attended by CONEAUPA authorities and rectors of several universities, including Dr. José Alberto Nieto, rector of UMECIT. The Minister of Health, Dr. Fernando Boyd Galindo, opened the event with a speech focused on the importance of health promotion, highlighting the motto of the week: "Let's take care of our health and comprehensive well-being." This motto invited us to reflect on the need to adopt healthy habits that strengthen both our body and our mind.

Various activities were carried out during the week, including workshops on nutrition, physical exercise and stress management, as well as conferences on the prevention of chronic diseases and the promotion of mental health. These activities involved students, teachers and members of the community in general, fostering an environment of learning and awareness.

Recent research in the field of public health was also presented and innovative strategies for the implementation of wellness programs in university settings were discussed. The participation of experts in these areas allowed for an enriching exchange of knowledge and experiences.

The Coordinator of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Lourdes Iribarren, participated with her presentation on "Research Bioethics." In his presentation, Iribarren highlighted the need to consider ethical aspects at each stage of the research process, guaranteeing that studies are carried out in a responsible manner and respectful of the rights and well-being of the participants.

For his part, Dr. Toribio Gómez gave the presentation "The research process as support for Health promotion", highlighting the importance of scientific research in the development and implementation of effective strategies for public health. Gómez emphasized that research provides a solid evidence base for health decision-making and policy formulation.

Both presentations offered valuable information and promoted an active exchange of opinions and experiences among attendees.

Participants had the opportunity to dialogue with the speakers, ask questions and share their own perspectives and experiences in the field of health research. 

The REPAUPS network reaffirmed its commitment to initiating new research, supporting collaboration between researchers and promoting the application of scientific findings to improve community health.

On Friday, July 12, the week ended with a Health Fair organized by the Council of Rectors, at the University of Panama. The coordination of Radiology, Occupational Health and Safety, Physiotherapy and Psychology of UMECIT participated in this fair, covering health promotion topics. 

Likewise, within the framework of the week, a friendly indoor soccer match was held between the teams of UMECIT and the Universidad del Istmo, held at the latter's facilities. The match began at noon and ended with the score 17 to 7 in favor of UMECIT, promoting university well-being between both institutions.

Health Promotion Week not only strengthened awareness about the importance of taking care of our overall health and well-being, but also reinforced the commitment of the university community to promoting a healthy life.