Umecit – University in Panama

Participation in SENACYT Scientific Café on the evaluation of aquifers and watersheds

On September 19, UMECIT Santiago Campus participated in the Scientific Café organized by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) entitled “Evaluation of aquifers and watersheds in the province of Los Santos”. This event took place at the Center for Innovation, Technological Development and Entrepreneurship (CIDETE) of the Regional University Center of Azuero (CRUA) and brought together scientific researchers who shared details of recent projects developed in the region.

The event's speakers were geologist Alberto Ruiz and Dr. Valentina Opolenko, a water management researcher at the Center for Water in the Humid Tropics for Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), who presented valuable information on the situation of aquifers and watersheds.

During the meeting, the importance of actively participating in initiatives such as the SENACYT Scientific Café was highlighted, a platform that allows the communication of research results and is part of the National Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PENCYT 2019-2024), aimed at strengthening the regions.

We would like to express our gratitude to the research professor at UMECIT Santiago, Professor Maylin Cáceres, for her commitment and interest in science, and to the coordinator of the campus for her participation and management, both committed to promoting initiatives that support teaching talent and the creation of new capacities in science and technology at our university.

We thank SENACYT and Dr. Luz Graciela Cruz, Head of the Department of Research Capabilities, for the invitation and the opportunity to continue strengthening ties between academia and scientific research in Panama.