Master’s Degree in Master's Degree in Sports Training for High Competition
- CURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE MASTER'S DEGREE: Semi-attendance mode: CTDA-EE-02-26-2021 (11/3/2021)Virtual Modality: CTDA-EE-02-27-2021 (11/3/2021)
- CURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE SPECIALIZATION: Blended mode: CTDA-EE-02-23-2021 (11/3/2021) Virtual mode: CTDA-EE-02-24-2021 (11/3/2021)
Career Description
The Master's Degree in Sports Training for High Competition it will develop the instrumental competences of the students in the professional and labor field, based on relevant strategies and tools in the face of the new trends in the disciplinary area of physical activity, contemplating its principles, methodologies, among other scopes.
To train professionals in the field of sports training from the new trends and innovations for high competition, starting from a set of knowledge, techniques, routine procedures and resources in favor of the systematic optimization of its forms and variations. Considering, in addition, the increase of performance according to the circumstances of the athlete, the tasks to be performed and the environment in which the sports practice takes place.
The program is aimed at professionals in physical education, coaching, sports, physical culture and related fields, who converge in the multidisciplinary management of a sports training project, either in public or private organizations.
All applicants must submit the following documentation duly scanned original, to be sent to the promoter and be hosted on the respective platform..
By virtue of this, the entry requirements for the specialization in Sports Coaching and the Master’s Degree in Sports Coaching for High Competition are:
- Bachelor's degree diploma or its equivalent
- Bachelor's degree credits or grades or their equivalent. If you are a foreigner, the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, the documents must be validated by the official authorities.
- Identity document (passport in case of foreigners residing in Panama).
- A current passport-size photo
- Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter.
Note: Students enrolled in virtual mode, whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from their country of origin. In case of being a foreign student, these documents must be apostilled or have them legalized through diplomatic channels and translated into Spanish.
The permanence in the university will depend on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen degree.
Given the profile of the university's cyberhumanist curricular educational model, the student must: cyberhumanist from the university, the student must:
- Pass each subject with a minimum grade of 81, on a scale of 1 to 100 which is equivalent to literal B..
- Study in teams and individually.
- Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
- Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the university and the students.
- Be up to date with their monthly payments.
- Attend at least 80% of the meetings, under the face-to-face modality.
- For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
- In case of prolonged absence, a justified justification must be presented.
- All students in graduate programs must have basic computer skills.
In order to obtain the degree of specialist in Sports Training, it is required:
- Attend and pass the academic contents of the first two (2) quarters, equivalent to 28 credits
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00), on a scale of three (3.00).
- Maintain a grade point average equal or higher than 2.0 and have no subjects lower than 81.
- Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
- Certify the use of computer tools.
- Elaborate, support and approve the degree work.
- Payment of all fees (tuition, monthly fees, degree fees, among others).
- Library clearance.
To obtain the title of Master’s Degree in Sports Training for High Competition, it is required:
- To have satisfactorily passed all the subjects of the study plan.
- Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
- Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
- Submit an exam or certificate on the use of computer tools.
- To have submitted their graduation work or equivalent.
- Payment of all fees (tuition, monthly fees, degree fees, etc.).
- Library clearance.
The graduate of the specialty in Sports Coaching will perform evidencing competences centered on the following knowledge:
- Analyze the pedagogical and didactic foundations that should be applied in physical and sports training.
- Understands the theoretical processes that support sports sciences, especially those related to obtaining results in teaching and research.
- Master the legal and organizational foundations that apply to the different types of sports, considering the intervention and presentation of proposals, and solve problems according to the legislation.
- Examines problems in the physiological area of exercise and possible solutions in which he/she will be able to intervene with success, to increase sports performance in aspects related to the physical, technical, tactical and physiological preparation of the athlete.
- Presents proposals to improve performance and sports practice, based on the management of the laws of physics in the study of human movement.
- Interprets intervention proposals to improve performance in situation, time and brand sports, related to the principles of strength, taking into account the factors of the athlete in general and of the sport in particular that contribute to physical conditioning.
- Formulates programs oriented to the development of strength and physical conditioning according to the particularities of each specific discipline.
- Argues the importance of the nutrition and healthy eating process in relation to the need for an effective sports training.
- Master the conceptual foundations in favor of the approach of problems related to sports training from a scientific perspective.
- Performs statistical analysis related to sports in order to produce information based on true data, destined to the solution of problems in the area.
- Elaborates diagnoses on the training methods to be used, taking into account the organization and legislation, the functions of the organism that need to be impacted during physical activity, sport in particular and exercise in general.
- Designs and applies strength and conditioning programs that allow the athlete, according to the sport, to acquire the conditions and strengths of the discipline.
- Formulate with the support of the nutrition specialist the program suitable for the athlete and according to the sport, so that he/she can obtain the nutritional needs required according to his/her body component, to the use of energy during physical exercise, to the recovery time of this and also, to the sport success.
- Exercises leadership and decision-making skills with innovative, ethical and normative character.
- Presents solution proposals to address nutrition and feeding problems according to each sport or athlete, in order to increase and improve physical performance.
- Designs projects or research proposals that promote intervention in the field of sports training, through specific methodologies of this disciplinary field.
- Demonstrates ethical commitment, leadership capacity, initiative and curiosity in the formulation of sports projects.
- Assumes respect for the customs and ideas of the groups of athletes that are the focus of attention in the research project to be formulated.
- Promotes the participation of all athletes according to the sport in question with members of the community, in the decision-making process inherent to the proposal of community programs to be carried out.
- Develops a harmonious climate that fosters effective interpersonal relationships between the experts of the sports team, leaders and people who support innovative athlete projects.
- Maintains confidentiality criteria on the vulnerable situations detected, which could affect the psychological integrity of the athletes involved.
- Develops a critical-reflective attitude on the exercise of their professional activity in the sports area.
- Values the development of critical thinking and the ability to reflect on the sporting needs that prevail in Panama and the region.
- Acts with professional ethics when writing compliance reports and sports and physical conditioning projects.
- Assumes a critical and innovative attitude oriented to problem solving.
- Performs leadership skills in negotiation and conflict resolution, respecting the parties involved.
- Demonstrates social commitment through the management of projects that contribute to increase the welfare of the members of sports clubs, associations and sports groups.
- Possesses social sensitivity to political, cultural and technological variables that affect sport.
- Evidences capacity for teamwork and leadership in the management of sports projects, for all levels and sports.
- Manifests to be receptive and conciliatory for the achievement of objectives in the development of projects in the sports area.
- Identifies opportunities for growth in the midst of problem situations that arise in the context of sport and training for high competition.
- Establishes relationships based on networking for the formulation and implementation of business ideas related to the field of sport and high performance training.
- Captivates members of the organization in the scaling of ideas, proposals or projects, in order to strengthen sport and training.
- Assumes with commitment the incorporation to incubators, startups, among other figures of collaborative work, to increase production possibilities.
- Applies methodologies for the generation of ideas based on creative, innovative and business thinking.
- Formulates proposals to increase national capacities in sports and high competition training, in response to calls for proposals made by national and international organizations and/or agencies.
The graduate of the Master’s Degree in Sports Coaching for High Competition will perform evidencing competencies focused on the following knowledge:
- Reflects on the various proposals on physical conditioning in the elderly, taking into consideration the conceptual foundations, methodologies, techniques and resources for training and increasing the quality of life in this population.
- Master the conceptual and methodological foundations that imply the use of new technologies in evaluation and control for the health and rehabilitation of the athlete, in situation, time and high competition.
- Understands the theories and methods of training to achieve better results in high competition activities.
- Determines the associated factors that condition the high competition athletes during the pre-competition, competition and post-competition periods.
- Analyzes the results of the physical and therapeutic culture in front of the conditioning in high competition activities according to the needs of each sport.
- Recognizes the pertinent mechanisms and processes for the selection of sports talents, according to the particular needs of each discipline and according to each type of high competition.
- Identifies new trends in sports training, promoting innovative training situations in high performance athletes.
- Master the theories and approaches for the management of sports companies through planning, direction, execution and control of people, structure and resources destined for such purpose.
- Argues the approach to situations of sports training for high competition, with a view to the construction of scientific knowledge.
- Evaluates the new tendencies of physical education and its projection in front of the needs of sport trainers destined to high competition.
- Develops research in the area of sports training for high competition with a broad sense of ethical and moral responsibility.
- Designs sports training programs for different groups of the population, according to their age, culture, physique and other social factors, promoting healthy lifestyles.
- Efficiently uses didactic methods and techniques useful for the development of the practice of sports training in high competition.
- Performs participative diagnoses on the training needs for high competition and performance, justifying the scope of the formulation of the physical conditioning project.
- Efficiently applies useful didactic methods and techniques in order to develop the practice of sports training in high competition.
- Demonstrates ethical commitment, leadership capacity, initiative and curiosity in the formulation of sports projects.
- Assumes respect for the principles, customs and ideas of the groups to be served, through sports training for high competition.
- Promotes the participation of all members of the community in the decision-making process inherent to the proposal of sports projects to be formulated.
- Develops a harmonious climate that favors effective interpersonal relationships among the actors in the process of sports training for high competition, but also for their own well-being.
- Maintains confidentiality criteria in areas that could violate the integrity of people linked to sports training, especially in the most needy communities.
- Assumes a reflexive critical attitude on the exercise of his professional sports activity.
- Values the development of critical thinking and the ability to reflect on the sporting needs that prevail in Panama and the region.
- Acts with professional ethics when writing compliance reports and sports projects.
- Assumes a critical and innovative attitude oriented to problem solving.
- Performs leadership skills in negotiation and conflict resolution, in accordance with the respect of the parties involved for effective decision making.
- Manifests adaptation to change in the production of knowledge and sports interventions.
- Demonstrates commitment through the management of projects that contribute to increase the welfare of the members of leagues, associations, groups, institutions and sports organizations.
- Possesses social sensitivity to political, cultural and technological variables and, of course, sports issues.
- Demonstrates receptiveness and conciliatory for the achievement of the objectives of the sports projects to be developed.
- Demonstrates capacity for teamwork and leadership in the management of sports projects, especially those oriented to vulnerable populations.
- Identifies opportunities for growth in the midst of problem situations that arise in the context of sport and training for high competition.
- Determines relationships based on networking for the formulation and implementation of business ideas related to the field of sport and high performance training.
- Leads the members of the organization in the scaling of ideas, proposals or projects, in the strengthening of sport and training for high competition.
- Assumes with commitment the incorporation to incubators, startups, among other figures of collaborative work, in order to increase production possibilities.
- Applies methodologies for the generation of ideas based on creative, innovative and business thinking.
- Formulates proposals with the purpose of increasing the national capacities of sport and training in high competition, facing the calls made by national and international organizations and / or agencies.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.