the silent violence
Violence against men exists and is generally a more silent violence. Relationships based on jealousy, economic claims and control of the other person are allowing and consenting to physical and verbal aggression.
It is not very common to hear cases where the man is the victim of the woman since, in most cases, the opposite is "accepted".
This situation aroused concern and questions in today's lawyer Lady Johana Delgado, which, in turn, led her to carry out her thesis project based on a topic that is becoming more important and topical every day.
Delgado began working on what would be his degree research and which he called "Domestic Violence versus Discrimination" through which he was able to reach various conclusions.
“I am grateful to UMECIT and to all the faculty that accompanied me throughout my academic process. But above all with those who helped me in the elaboration of my study. It was an enriching experience", Delgado said during an interview with the radio station UMECIT INFORMA.
Delgado, who graduated in Law and Forensic Sciences in 2019, was struck by the fact that in almost all reported cases of domestic violence, the man was spoken of as the perpetrator and the woman as the victim. For her, this had several important connotations.
“We take it for granted, however data from 2018 reveal that men are increasingly denouncing being victims of physical, verbal and psychological violence, which cannot go unnoticed. Women continue to use their children as a pressure mechanism and this leads to an abusive relationship that always ends in a relationship of imbalance of power and control." Add Delgado.
According to the lawyer with a degree in Law and Forensic Sciences from UMECIT, another of the findings of her investigation was that men do not dare to file complaints because the response is generally mockery and even a certain degree of disbelief, not only because of part of the authorities in charge of imparting justice but also of their own family and friends.
“We think that due to the physical differences these cases do not happen and their value or importance is taken away. Yes they are taking place and it is a reality. But since we live in a definitely macho society, men are afraid of the mere idea of admitting what has happened to them; we are very biased in our environment so we assume that it is the man who hits the woman and not the other way around. The effects are very strong and should not be underestimated”, The lawyer denounced.
The lawyer revealed that part of her investigation also revolved around "patrimonial abuse" that arises when the woman constantly demands and complains about what she receives financially from her partner.
«It is a very frequent dynamic that pushes man into very delicate situations. A load of tension, stress and anxiety is accumulating, which are triggering factors that sometimes even end in suicidal thoughts». Said.
To finish, Delgado tells us that the important thing is to seek help and know that there are groups in the country that provide support and advice.
Today the lawyer Lady Johana Delgado reiterates the importance of seeking help, support and advice. The important thing is undoubtedly to identify cases, lose fear, break taboos, report and avoid more complicated situations in the future.
The days as a college student left him a legacy that he seeks to pass on, it is the legacy of seeking fair and egalitarian justice in a society that today more than ever needs profound changes.