Umecit – University in Panama


UMECIT's Internationalization Subprogram, defines Internationalization as a "transversal strategy of linkage and international projection of UMECIT, based on interculturality, alliance and global openness from the institutional substantive functions that involves the participation of teachers, students, institutions, graduates and specialists"; based on the development of joint actions that permeate the intentions of the parties involved, manifested through the establishment of agreements, alliances, or other forms of inter-institutional cooperation, with public, private, governmental, and NGO organizations, which provide answers to the needs that concern its members in the academic, scientific, technological, sports, cultural, social, business, among others.

In this sense, it is necessary to emphasize that the aforementioned subprogram is considered a central axis for the institutional prospective development, since it proposes the expansion of the academic offer and services to other latitudes of the region, making the virtual modality of education an opportunity for socioeconomic growth, the training of competent human talent for the demands of the global village, and consequently, the penetration and instrumentalization of information and communication technologies in the postmodern educational dynamics.

Within this frame of reference, the internationalization subprogram that operates from the Extension Directorate has two Projects:

It is assumed as the establishment of alliances for the development of curricular, academic, administrative, investigative, and social intervention exchange strategies, establishing work plans that activate the signing of agreements through the design and execution of projects that generate joint benefits between the concerned parties.

It focuses on the institutional exchange of students, graduates, teachers, researchers, and administrative staff, with disciplinary academic purposes, knowledge of the socioeconomic, sports or cultural environment, which seeks to strengthen both the university academy and the various areas of integral development of the university community. .


Mgter. Andrea Pinzon Castaneda

Internationalization Coordinator


Eusebio A. Morales street, in front of the Martin Fierro Restaurant


(+507) 263-2519
