Umecit – University in Panama

Art Exhibition and Photography Contest: Pink and Blue Ribbon Month in Honor of Dr. William Antonio Leal

On October 30, UMECIT closed the month of the Pink and Light Blue Ribbon in collaboration with the Directorate of Health Promotion, celebrating an event full of art, education and solidarity. This meeting sought to promote awareness about the importance of early detection and prevention of diseases, integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3, 4 and 17.

The event included the participation of authorities, lectures by health experts and artistic presentations that encouraged learning and commitment to health promotion.

SDG Highlights:

  • SDG 3: Health and Wellbeing – Promoting early detection and prevention.
  • SDG 4: Quality Education – Creating educational spaces for the development of skills and abilities.
  • SDG 17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goals – Collaboration between educational institutions, the Network of Health Promoting Universities, the National Oncology Institute and the Health Promotion Directorate.

Authorities Present:

  • Licda. Enelida Guerra, health promotion technician
  • Mag. Marcela Outlen
  • Licda. Inair Saturno, representing REPAUS
  • Licda. Arcelina Mendoza, National Oncology Institute
  • Mag. Julie Guerrero, Academic Audit
  • Lourdes Luz Iribarren, Coordinator of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Featured Presentations and Participations:

  • Self-care in health, by Dr. Jorge Rodríguez, Family Physician.
  • Nutrition in Athletes, by Licda. Melissa Noriega Cohen.
  • Presentation of the Rasta community.
  • Panamanian Folkloric Arts and Joys Ensemble.
  • Wellness and Health Magazine.

This event, in honor of Dr. William Antonio Leal, included an emotional minute of silence and the reading of his biography. In addition, through the photography contest, the talent of the students was highlighted, who raised awareness about the importance of self-care and early detection.

Photography Contest Winners:

  • 🥇 First Place: Ángel Santos – Radiology
  • 🥈 Second Place: Temístocles Batista – Health Education
  • 🥉 Third Place: Isaac Torres – Physiotherapy

We would like to thank the students of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy for their logistical support and all the participants for their commitment to this cause.

This event demonstrates UMECIT's commitment to health, education and solidarity in the fight against cancer.