Umecit – University in Panama

National Meeting of Umecista Leaders 2022

The Department of University Well-being, in conjunction with the Extension Directorate, the academic and headquarters coordination, successfully held the 1st National Meeting of Umecista Leaders on Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

The objective of this event is to propose student participation in institutional decision-making, through the participatory spirit, the development of critical thinking and a sense of institutional belonging, promotion of collective, critical and constructive participation of the student from the leadership; they are all fundamental components in the creation of new projects that contribute to the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals set forth in the 2030 agenda.
During the event, young people were able to participate in different training workshops, focused on leadership, teamwork and collaboration, volunteering and emotional intelligence, which were carried out thanks to our national and international Agreements and Alliances such as School Media, Italian University Institute of Rosario (IUNIR) from Argentina and Nayiska Pimentel, a graduate who has extensive experience in citizen participation and youth volunteering from the social and legal aspects.

UMECIT from the Neo-Cyberhumanism Model is committed to the continuous training of students, teachers and administrators. In this sense, the Umecista Leaders Meeting points to five of our seven badges that are Digital Subsistence, Sustainability, Global Citizenship, Creative, Critical and Prospective Thinking and Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.