Diploma in
Journalism and Tourism Communication
Extension Address
Extension Address
At UMECIT, aware of the needs in the tourism sector of our country and changes in communication strategies and the way of reporting by specialized journalism, we established the relationship by agreement with CONAPE (National College of Journalists), to present the training and academic updating of member journalists, with the support of the Panama Chamber of Tourism.
Panama as a world destination needs to be reporting every day about its strengths and opportunities in different media: radio, TV, newspapers, specialized magazines and digital media.
These reasons mentioned indicate the principle of training and updating communicators on issues in the sector, with the ability to inform and train those in this sector, through this diploma in Journalism and Tourism Communication.
The classes of this diploma will be taught in virtual mode. The tutors who will teach the topics of the diploma modules are experienced professionals in the areas that they will be responsible for. Each day the tutor will offer the group a 3-hour synchronous videoconference where he will give the agenda for that day. During the online session, participants will have the opportunity to participate by asking questions and contributions by voice or via chat. The tutor will leave actions for the participants to carry out at home, and send through the platform on the indicated date. All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the E-ducativa Platform Messenger, so those people who could not connect synchronously can view the recording.
In each module, formative, non-summative evaluation actions will be developed, which will show the level of use of the diploma by the participants. Everything will be uploaded by the e-ducativa platform. Additionally, guided visits or tours will be made to the sector such as the Camino de Cruces, Panama Canal, Pedasí, and Portobello. Participants must present as their final work a published report related to the topics covered during the diploma.
The Diploma is designed for the participation of:
- Professionals and Students of Social Communication
- Marketing Professionals and Students
- Audiovisual Production Professionals and Students
- Professionals and students of academic programs related to these areas of knowledge
- Fill out the registration form provided by the University
- Digital photo of your ID or passport if you are a foreigner
- Updated resume
- For graduates, digital photo of the bachelor's university degree
- For students in their final year of study, a university certification
- Complete the Diploma Study Plan
- Delivery of the published report
- Meet academic/administrative requirements, and permanence in the program
- Fully dominate all actors in the tourism sector
and its functions - Analyze the latest events and problems in the tourism sector, in addition to contributing with a critical vision of them.
- Generate timely information for decision-making according to changes in the tourism sector from a strategic, international and innovative perspective.
The topics will be taught through the E-DUCATIVA platform that Umecit has. This platform offers tools such as a messenger, sending and receiving documents, forum, online chat, evaluation nodes, tracking and monitoring student participation, recording videos, making video calls, creating SCORM content (set of standards and specifications that allow creating fundamental structured pedagogical objects to facilitate the portability of learning content, being able to share it and reuse it).
Contact us and start now
Headquarters Panama Building A
Phone: (+507) 264-9908 Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar
La Chorrera Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.