Umecit – University in Panama

Launch of the Program for

Strengthening and Efficiency of Criminal Investigation in Panama

With the purpose of contributing to the improvement, coordination and efficiency of the actors of the Accusatory Penal System of Panama, the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT-, in alliance with SenecaLab, a Panamanian company dedicated to innovation in education for competitiveness , launch this program as part of the diagnosis that identifies as a priority the strengthening of the skills of the actors in the criminal investigation system, both in the process and in new technologies and techniques, related to national and regional trends.

It has 5 Specialized Programs


Diploma in Administration and Processing of the Place of the Facts

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Course on Technical Management of Digital Evidence in Investigation

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Diploma Techniques for Effective Research Planning

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Course Analysis, Collection and Processing of Information.

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Forensic Computer Course and Expert Reports

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The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- and SenecaLab carried out an analysis 14 years after the implementation of the Accusatory Criminal System and designed a program with the competencies that must be strengthened in the Criminal System through short programs in addition to incorporating the vision of the researcher to generate concrete positive changes.

Its about "Program for the Strengthening and Efficiency of the Criminal Investigation of Panama", which seeks to be a tool to consolidate and update specific knowledge in the investigation of crimes, with the purpose of generating concrete improvements in the competences of the actors of the Penal System through the promotion of education, analysis and strengthening criminal investigation. .

The program is structured into various courses, diplomas and academic events aimed at personnel linked to Legal Medicine, National Police, General Directorate of Revenue, Public Ministry, Individual Experts, National Border Service, Naval Air Service, Directorate of Judicial Investigation, Directorate of Police Intelligence and Attorney General's Office. During it, conversations and surveys will be held with the actors who participate in the administration of Justice in order to continue adding views and generating good practices that respond to the needs and shortcomings previously diagnosed.

Alliance SenecaLab and UMECIT

SenecaLab and UMECIT have signed an alliance to carry out this program virtually with synchronous meetings, based on a diagnosis that identifies as a priority the strengthening of the skills of the actors in the criminal investigation system. The courses will be taught by international experts.
“We are working towards the competitiveness of the country from education, through technology. We have seen that Panamanian society is in a state of frustration in the face of criminal cases and with concern for impunity. We saw the possibility of co-helping and working together to solve it. This program was born to see where we can contribute so that our research professionals can do their work”, said Adriana Angarita, director of the company SénecaLab.
At the end of 2022, Angarita commented, a report of all the findings, recommendations and conclusions made during the year will be delivered.

"With education, awareness, analysis and hard work, we will achieve this improvement and updating among the actors in the research system," he added.

“We present a very complete program that will begin in March with the course on technical management of digital evidence in the investigation. Given the importance of professional updating in this area, which every day requires improving its competent profile, we have invited the country's actors to participate and learn about the initiative from the academy that seeks to contribute to the human resources of our institutions at the national level. and regional”, stated Santiago Nieto Rueda, Vice Chancellor for UMECIT projects.

The launch of the program took place this Tuesday, with the presence of authorities related to the Criminal System and a keynote speech by Magister Colonel Héctor Amaya, President of the Latin American Subcommittee of the International Association of Criminal Analysts IACA.

With the entry into force and application of the Accusatory Penal System (SPA), the need for a change in the way criminal investigation is carried out, based on a model of argumentative public hearings, in which the probative material elements, physical evidence and legally obtained information, contributed by the interveners, became more relevant in the way of arriving at the truth of the facts.

Said system embraced by Law 63 of 2008 (Code of Criminal Procedure), provided that the investigative organizations will act throughout the territory of the Republic, under the direction of the Public Ministry, in the investigation of crimes and the determination of the perpetrators. and participants, for which through the interveners, the useful elements will be gathered for the clarification of the facts.

Similarly, the aforementioned regulation calls for inter-institutional coordination between the Public Ministry, the National Police and the investigative agencies, as assistants to the Public Ministry in any investigation process.

Faced with this new challenge, with its various demands, especially the work of Criminalistics, it is evident the need to continuously strengthen the actors in the criminal investigation process, so that they can contribute efficiently with their role within the administration of Justice.

  • Is the criminal function in the Republic of Panama duly strengthened to provide a quality service adjusted to the new parameters and principles of the SPA?
  • Is there real coordination between the Public Ministry, the National Police and the investigative agencies, as auxiliaries of the Public Ministry, as provided in article 78 of Law No.63 of 2008?
  • Do we know the duties and responsibilities of the personnel in each one of the areas of Criminalistics?
  • 14 years after the implementation of the SPA, are there weaknesses that prevent the truth of the facts from being reached, based on the change in the way in which the criminal investigation is carried out?
  • Is it necessary to review the legal norms that have been promulgated to strengthen the criminal function in our country, in order to achieve faithful compliance with their provisions?
  • Does our country have a protocol that regulates the operation of the Criminal Investigation, in line with the change in the way in which the investigation is carried out, from the entry into force of the SPA, specifically on the coordinated intervention of the actors?

Similarly, the aforementioned regulation calls for inter-institutional coordination between the Public Ministry, the National Police and the investigative agencies, as assistants to the Public Ministry in any investigation process.

Faced with this new challenge, with its various demands, especially to the work of Criminalistics, it is evident the need to continuously strengthen the actors in the criminal investigation process, so that they can contribute efficiently with their role within the administration of Justice.