Umecit – University in Panama

Conversation “How to live with a mental health disorder”

The Health Sciences Coordination UMECIT held the discussion entitled “How to live with a mental health disorder”, aimed at students of the Radiology degree. The event was attended by 50 students, who had the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic that is crucial for emotional and psychological well-being.

The conversation was enriched by the intervention of the Ms. Cristina Quintero Fernandez, a lawyer and writer, who shared her personal experience of overcoming a Depressive Disorder. Through her story, Ms. Quintero inspired the audience with a message of hope and strength, explaining how her book has helped many people move forward and overcome their own emotional challenges.

In addition, we count on the valuable participation of the Dr. Aelen Lopez, Psychologist and Specialist in Health Sciences, and of the Lic. Zuleyka de Leon, who offered a professional vision on mental health care, sharing tools and strategies for the comprehensive well-being of students.

The objective of this conversation was raise awareness and provide feedback participants about the importance of mental health, promoting the development of skills that contribute to their continuous improvement. This space for dialogue reinforces UMECIT's commitment to the well-being of its student community, facilitating their personal and academic growth.