Within the framework of its commitment to academic development, research and extension
university, UMECIT has taken an important step in strengthening alliances
strategic when holding a meeting with the director of the National Oncology Institute
(ION) and its team.
During the meeting, representing UMECIT, participated the Master Yelitza González,
Director of Extension, and Lic. Nadeshka Galástica, who explored various
collaborative actions that allow joint efforts to be articulated for the benefit of the
vocational training, knowledge generation and social impact.
One of the key issues addressed at the meeting was the possibility of establishing a
cooperation agreement between both institutions, in order to consolidate initiatives
joint initiatives in the field of health, promoting the exchange of knowledge and
capacity building in both the academic and healthcare sectors.
This alliance represents an excellent opportunity to continue promoting projects that
contribute to the improvement of oncological care and the comprehensive development of our
students and teachers in key areas for social welfare, consolidating UMECIT
as a benchmark for social and educational commitment.