Umecit – University in Panama

Cycle of workshops to impact the scientific capacities and visibility of researchers

Within the framework of the 2023 Annual Research Training Plan, the Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Department invites you to participate in this important cycle of workshops, which will allow participants to learn about the strategies that will improve the visibility of researchers' publications and impact on institutional visibility. 


31-Mar-23 | Scopus ID, the importance of fingerprints | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Identify the importance of digital identities when giving visibility to your publications. Find out how your author profile impacts in Scopus and the normalization options that are available from the platform, we will provide you with self-management tips so that your visibility improves from an international perspective.

12-Apr-23 | What is Scopus good for? | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Learn about the scope and applications of this referential database in the information retrieval process

11-May-23 | Using Scopus to find and define the research topic | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Finding the gaps or limits of knowledge becomes imperative when structuring a research proposal, this analysis requires a search strategy. In this session we will know a methodological proposal to achieve this objective.

31-May-23 | Elsevier Platforms to Support Journal Selection| 5:30 PM

OBJECTIVE: In this session, the Elsevier Journal Finder, Elsevier Journals Insight, the pages of the journals, ScienceDirect and Scopus will be reviewed, from where it will be possible to have a better reading of the information provided by each of the platforms and begin to identify the importance of the reading methods available for the manuscripts, the meanings of APC and publication embargo periods in journals, author guides, among other characteristics for an appropriate selection

7-Jun-23 | Introduction to Scientific Publishing for Researchers – A View from Elsevier | 5:30 PM

OBJECTIVE: The beginning of the edition of the publications, the cycle of the publications and all the entities involved will be reviewed for a better elaboration of documents with the objective of a greater acceptance in the evaluation of articles. This session also serves as an outreach to institutional editors for suggestions on Elsevier's journal editor view for article evaluation and acceptance.

11-Jun-23 | Analysis of production indicators for authors and institutions | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: During this meeting, some of the productivity metrics existing worldwide to evaluate authors and institutions will be mentioned. Making particular emphasis on those used by Scopus as the H index

14-Jun-23| Discover the details behind journal metrics in Scopus| 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the influence of indexed journals through the impact of citations in different disciplines, knowing the characteristics of each production indicator on the platform.

12-Jul-23 | How to respond to reviewer comments – The CALM way | 5:30 PM

GOAL: Receiving feedback and defending your research takes practice. It also requires a "CALM" approach. We'll share some simple tips to help you understand how editors review your work and how to respond to reviewer comments so your manuscript has a better chance of acceptance.

19-Jul-23 | Participatory Session in Scopus | 6:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Build together with the other participants the workflow that must be applied on the platform to track content and do different types of graphic analysis, through the Card Sorting methodology.

25-Jul-23 | Virtual SOLE – Researchers | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Train in the use of SCOPUS in research (it has several sessions that are communicated to the interested parties)

11-Oct-23 | How to measure the impact of the documents I publish and consult? | 5:00 PM

OBJECTIVE: Use metrics such as FWCI, Benchmarking Percentiles, and Views to analyze the citation impact of a document; regardless of its typology, year of publication or area of knowledge

The activity is aimed at teachers, students, researchers, graduates and administrators of UMECIT. External participation is not allowed 

The connection link that will be used for the entire virtual program for our UMECIT academic community, where you can select and register for one or more of the program sessions is as follows:

Start date: March 31, 2023

Time: 5 p.m.

Facilitator: Elsevier Team, Colombia