Umecit – University in Panama

Blessing Ceremony and Imposition of Helmets on UMECIT Students in David

With great satisfaction, the blessing ceremony and imposition of helmets was carried out on the students who completed the curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Safety and Health at UMECIT, David campus. The event took place in the cathedral of San José de David, located in the Bolívar neighborhood.

The activity began with a Eucharist, during which the students delivered a basket of dry products as a token of gratitude for their achievements. Subsequently, the blessing of the helmets was carried out by the priest, followed by the imposition of the helmets by Professor Virginia Quintero, professor of the degree in Occupational Safety and Health.

At the end of the event, student Cecilio Ralyns expressed his feelings and those of his classmates upon receiving their helmets, remembering the responsibility that wearing them entails and the leadership they must exercise. For his part, Professor Kevin Domingo intervened explaining the importance and symbology of the helmet, emphasizing specific roles related to safety management in the workplace.

With this activity, our students strengthen their sense of belonging and their commitment to being vigilant in the work environment, ensuring the physical integrity of workers. Furthermore, their determination to continue with their dreams of being upright professionals, capable of promoting a culture where safety is a fundamental value in the workplace, is reaffirmed.

We appreciate the participation of the students, families, teachers and administrators who made it possible for the event to take place with joy.