Master’s Degree in Preschool Education
▪ Res. CTDA – 249 – 2022 - IN-PERSON Date: August 9, 2022
▪ Res. CTDA – 250 – 2022 - SEMI-PRESENTIAL Date: August 9, 2022
▪ Res. CTDA – 251 – 2022 - VIRTUAL Date: August 9, 2022 -
▪ Res. CTDA – 246 – 2022 - IN-PERSON Date: August 9, 2022
▪ Res. CTDA – 247 – 2022 BLENDED - Date: August 9, 2022
▪ Res. CTDA – 248 – 2022 – VIRTUAL Date: August 9, 2022
Career Description
Initial education not only constitutes a curricular area within the comprehensive training proposed by different international education organizations to strengthen subsequent academic achievement at all its levels and modalities, but also represents an effective strategy for the development and improvement of the quality of life. of communities and a key instrument against poverty and many of the social diseases that afflict society.
To plan, manage and evaluate large-scale initial and/or preschool education programs, and to carry out research that provides scientific support for such activities, it is essential to have human resources trained at the postgraduate, master's and doctoral levels. These professionals, in turn, will be essential for developing teaching and research work within higher education institutes, as well as for understanding the interactive process between education and the economic, political and social framework, in the context of new scenarios. international.
The structure of the academic plan highlights the skills for planning, administration and evaluation of programs for the child population from 0 to 6 years old. The degree allows generating the management of innovative strategies, related to promoting the comprehensive development of boys and girls in the childhood stage.
The Specialization in Research and Pedagogical Innovation in Preschool is aimed at training specialists in research and pedagogical innovation who consider opening up new creative ways of achieving learning in children from 0 to 6 years of age, capable of contributing to decision-making. and the implementation of national and international projects that contemplate the multiple interrelationships between initial and preschool education and the other activities of human life.
The Master's Degree in Preschool Education It is oriented towards the formation of a critical, reflective and participatory professional in the search for solutions to intervene and improve the educational reality of the Preschool Education level. Promote the participation of teachers at the Preschool Education level in educational research that serves as the basis for proposals for comprehensive care for children from 0 to 6 years of age. Give a concrete response to the needs of personnel with a high level of competence that Preschool Education has.
Graduates from the postgraduate course in Early Childhood Education will be able to perform efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
- Functions of planning, administration and evaluation of programs and pedagogical strategies in the field of preschool education.
- Development of educational programs for individual attention to children with special needs, from private or public institutions or independently.
- Participation as active entities in inter and multidisciplinary groups for the planning and development of educational research projects at the Preschool Education level.
- Participation in the management and evaluation processes of educational and community development projects.
- Design, development and evaluation of pedagogical innovations at the level of Preschool Education.
- Development of family, school and community integration processes to improve the quality of Preschool Education.
- Teaching at the preschool level.
All applicants must submit the following documentation duly scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be uploaded to the respective platform:
- Bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
- Bachelor's degree credits or grades or their equivalent
- Identification document. (passport in the case of foreigners residing in Panama).
- Current passport size photo
- Electronic admission form.
If you are a foreigner, the documents (Diploma and Credits) must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, you must carry out the procedure with the official authorities that validate it.
Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from the country of origin.
If you do not have originals of the above documents, you must provide a certificate or its equivalent, issued by the national or foreign school legally recognized by the competent authority, stating:
a) Name of the institution;
b) Name and identification document number of the graduate;
c) Name of the baccalaureate or its equivalent
d) Title awarded;
e) Date of issue of the title;
f) Credits or grades from high school or its equivalent.
If you are a foreign student, these documents must be provided with an apostille stamp or legalization through diplomatic channels and their translation into Spanish.
The permanence in the University will depend on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen degree.
Given the profile of the University's “Neo Cyberhumanist” curricular educational model, the student must:
- Study in teams and individually.
- Develop research skills based on learning by
- Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the University and the students.
- Be up to date with their monthly payments.
- Attend at least 80% of the meetings in the blended modality.
- For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
- In case of prolonged absence, a justified justification must be presented.
- All students of the Specialization programs must have basic computer skills.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative index of 2 on a scale of 1 to 3.
- Pass each subject with a minimum grade of 81 on a scale of 1 to 100, which is equivalent to literal B.
In order to obtain the SPECIALIST IN RESEARCH AND PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION IN PRESCHOOL the following is required:
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Approve, as a degree option, a case study on some experience of pedagogical innovation in the preschool area.
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
- Complete and pass all the academic content of the program enrolled.
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Prepare, support and approve the thesis (degree work).
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
In any case, the requirements set forth in current legislation must be met.
In the case of foreign students, they must comply with the local regulations of the country of origin where they want to validate their degree.
- Know the theoretical elements of preschool or initial education and its connection with other professional fields of education, social organization and the improvement of the quality of life of individuals and communities.
- Master the planning and administration procedures applied to preschool education.
- Distinguishes the etiology of different disabilities to make recommendations for their early detection and specific care.
- Generates information that constitutes a useful input for decision-making related to processes, programs, systems and/or educational policies in an area of the field of education according to the lines of research offered by the
- Learn theoretical and practical elements around the educational fact, in a creative and innovative way.
- Know the methodology for the development of logical-mathematical thinking in preschool age.
- He dominates the field of educational research through his production in a certain line of research in which he reaches knowledge.
- Communicate research results in various forums and through different media.
- Generate innovative projects that improve the quality of the educational process.
- Plan, develop and evaluate educational research projects at any level of educational reality, acting individually or in interdisciplinary teams.
- Coordinates research projects, framed in the socio-educational area, that allow the reproduction and production of knowledge referring to the socio-educational reality of the country.
- Designs investigations of problems related to the organization and functioning of the Panamanian educational system and the study of alternatives for decision making.
- It enriches your teaching-learning process, using research results as a basis.
- Investigates problems related to the organization and functioning of the educational system and analyzes different alternative solutions for decision making.
- Generates, based on the analysis of existing ones, new interpretations or explanations of the existing problem.
- Develops alternative solutions to educational problems from the perspective of qualitative improvement of local, regional and national education.
- Design and develop research projects that have a solid theoretical foundation and whose methodology is consistent with the problem you wish to address.
- Design and develop learning experiences and validate them empirically through research.
- Uses research results as a basis to enrich the teaching-learning process.
- Creatively solve educational problems, using research.
- Properly uses the different technological tools and software related to skill and mastery as a result of their comprehensive training.
- Conduct quality, relevant and pertinent research, direct evaluation, consulting, and teaching processes at any educational level.
- Plan, administer and evaluate educational programs for children in early education.
- Performs diagnostic analysis of the conditions, capacities and interests of a bio-psycho-social nature of children's populations regarding education.
- Select methodological strategies to care for students with special needs.
- He has the ability and skills that allow him to guide the activities of his work team towards action through a broad strategic vision supported by his knowledge, experiences and intention.
- Promotes a culture of peace and global ethics.
- Assume a social commitment and ethical attitude that guides their decisions for the benefit of education.
- Articulates appropriately with his immediate collaborators in the research activity, with his peer specialists and with people outside his area of specialization and to involve them in ideas and results that may be of interest.
- It values the research process as a means to obtain knowledge and subsequent transformation of reality and not as an end in itself.
- Assume leadership conditions in the development and promotion of educational quality for those ages
- Promotes positive attitudes for the promotion and development of children through preschool education.
- Acquire ethical, personal and social commitment as an education professional.
- Respect differences in student learning and behavior.
- Respects individual development and sensitive learning phases particular to each student.
- Maintains an ethical attitude and social responsibility, facing the consequences of his intellectual production.
- Has a participatory attitude understood as the willingness to consciously and actively get involved in the search for solutions to the problems and needs of their community, the country or the world.
- Maintains an attitude of respect and consideration for the ideas and intellectual production of colleagues and other specialists, even in the case of having ideological or methodological differences.
- Assumes the commitment to the transformation of social reality and the social economic development of the country, without detriment to its responsibilities as a “Knowledge Generator”.
- Has knowledge about the factors involved in the teaching-learning process in order to design, design and evaluate learning experiences as working hypotheses that must be empirically validated in accordance with the proposed instructional objectives.
- Has the skills and abilities to communicate with people who are starting out in their area of specialization and aspire to become professionals or technicians in said areas.
- Understands the affective dimension of human behavior and to direct and function efficiently in different groups.
- Knows and applies the concepts and principles derived from modern motivational theory in their managerial performance.
- It demonstrates analysis and reflection regarding political, social and economic processes in our country.
- Demonstrates being receptive and conciliatory to achieve the objectives of the projects to be developed.
- Drive with creativity, honesty and dedication to work promptly and carefully.
- Analyze, reason, justify facts and develop arguments to become a free being, capable of learning for oneself and answering questions and situations in daily and professional life.
- It reaffirms your identity as a person, in your family, in the community and in the country, for your well-being and to fulfill the obligations of life at study and/or work.
- Shows a marked sense of solidarity and equity in their behavior patterns and relationship with others, within their family, social or work context.
- Shows understanding, sympathy, courtesy and interest for others and for other people.
- Shows a positive attitude and sensitivity towards fine arts and towards the capacity of expression and appreciation of people and cultural groups, considering the ethical and aesthetic norms that characterize society.
- Participate in living the principles of social solidarity and the search for solutions to local, national and international problems.
- It manifests personal and social maturity by developing and strengthening the modern Panamanian citizenship that the new century demands in the family, community and work spheres.
- Analyzes the educational environment from a holistic perspective, considering all the elements and factors that intervene in it, to make assertive decisions and generate truly transformative actions.
- Develops reflection and evaluation processes that lead to the identification of the needs, shortcomings, strengths and opportunities of your work and that of your team, driven towards growth and continuous improvement.
- It has a flexible attitude towards the educational reality, promoting an adequate and agile adaptation to the changing dynamics of this context.
- Build solid projects, based on rigorous analysis of contextual needs and the development of structured strategies based on consensus and assertive communication.
- Manage resources, times, spaces, alliances, to optimize your work and that of your work team, with a view to educational quality
- It develops updating and continuous training processes, opening the way to new methodologies, practices, resources and ways of approaching educational processes, which aim at innovation at different levels and modalities.
- Demonstrates initiative to present innovative proposals, related to curricular design, pedagogical projects and evaluation methodologies, which promote the improvement and relevance of education, at a regional, national and international level.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.