Master’s Degree in Curriculumwith Emphasis in Curriculum Design
- Certification of good standing: CTDA-EV-51-2022
- With intermediate exit from the Specialization in Curriculum Res: CTF-110-2015
- Date of Approval: 18/12/2015
- Certification of good standing: CTDA-EV-50-2O22
Career Description
The object of study of the careers of Specialization in Curriculum and Master’s Degree in Curriculum with emphasis in Curriculum Design or Curriculum Evaluation, includes the knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations that allow to analyze, interpret and investigate the processes of teaching, learning and issues related to curriculum design for the teaching of various disciplines.
Thus, aware of the need to face the training in competencies, it is studied with the clear objective of achieving the integration of pedagogy, learning and methodology.
The main foundation of the programs is the deepening of knowledge to awaken in students creative abilities and a systematic reflection that favors the mastery of concepts, techniques and research methods in the field of education that broadens the horizon of the world of curriculum transformation.
Specifically, the Master's program in Curriculum with Emphasis in Curriculum Design is oriented to the training of professionals capable of researching, generating and disseminating knowledge in the area, leading curriculum development projects and training human resources in the area of curriculum. It emphasizes the competencies necessary for curriculum development, management, updating and innovation at various levels of academic training.
Graduates of the graduate program in Curriculum with Emphasis in Curricular Design will be able to exercise their professional activity in various fields, such as:
- Development of market research and data analysis for the development of educational programs at both basic and university levels.
- Teaching: qualified professionals, competitive, with integrity and ethical values in the field of curriculum.
- Coordination and development of updating or evaluation of curricular programs in public and private institutions, among others.
- Photocopy of bachelor's or professional degree.
- Authorized translation into Spanish of degrees and credits as appropriate.
- Photocopy of Official Credits issued by the respective institution.
- Basic computer skills.
- Two (2) passport size photos, in color, on white background.
- Photocopy of identity card.
- Certificate of good physical health.
- Curriculum vitae.
The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. The term of permanence at the University will be a minimum of two (2) quarters for the specialization and a minimum of three (3) quarters for the master's degree.
The student must maintain an academic index of at least 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 81 (B) to remain in both the specialization and the master's degree. Given the characteristics of the University the student will be able through advisors in the methodological fields to:
- Study in teams and on your own.
- Do research in the areas you handle.
- Deepen in the knowledge you need or are interested in.
- Respect the Disciplinary Regulations of the University.
- Keeping your payments up to date.
- Attend 75% of the face-to-face meetings.
- Punctual attendance to events and academic sessions (field practices).
- Ethical and respectful conduct in the representations of the institution.
- Prove that during the first year of study he/she has a command (verbal and written) of another language (recognized by UNESCO) that allows him/her to read updated scientific bibliography.
- In case of prolonged absence, the student must present a justified excuse.
In order to obtain the title of Curriculum Specialist, the student must:
- Complete and pass the total number of subjects of the curriculum of the specialty.
- Have an academic index of no less than two (2).
- Submit an essay in the area of Curriculum.
- Demonstrate basic computer skills.
- Demonstrate knowledge of English.
In order to obtain the Master’s Degree in Curriculum with Emphasis in Curriculum Design, the student must:
- Complete and pass the total of the subjects of the study plan.
- Obtain an academic index of no less than two (2).
- Complete and support the degree thesis.
- Comply with the academic and administrative requirements in a term that does not exceed four years of permanence in the program.
- Will analyze the implications of scientific, technological and psychosocial changes in education.
- Analyze and apply curricular theories that facilitate the study of the educational phenomenon in its double theoretical-practical dimension.
- Master the theoretical foundations of the curriculum.
- Have a deep and updated command of knowledge in the field of curriculum.
- Analyze results and models of curriculum research.
- Design, develop and disseminate research in the curriculum field.
- Will design, advise and conduct curriculum improvement and innovation projects.
- Will carry out innovations in teaching methodology and other areas of educational endeavors.
- Diagnose human resources training needs.
- Lead the development of curricular and socio-educational transformations.
- Advise processes of curricular design, management, evaluation and research.
- Incorporate advances in educational sciences in the processes of curriculum design and implementation.
- Will generate and materialize scientifically based research projects, thereby contributing to the development of their disciplinary teaching action, both in the context of their institution and of the region and the country.
- Will respect cultural diversity among individuals and social groups.
- Possess ethical, moral, spiritual, family, civic, cultural, social and political values.
- Develop a reflective, critical and creative attitude to detect and analyze curricular problems in the educational field.
- Act as an agent of change in the student's learning process.
- Will know how to work in a team.
- Will be able to analyze, reason, justify facts and will elaborate arguments to constitute him/herself as a free being.
- Will ensure a responsible, critical and active participation in society and contribute to the strengthening of democracy.
- Generate heterogeneous projects with respect for diversity and respect for differences.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.