Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Planning
- With intermediate exit from the Specialization in Higher Education. Res.: CTDA-EE-051-2020 Date of Approval: 18/05/2020
- Note: During the first two quarters, students must take the in-depth seminar entitled, Higher Education in the Digital Era, which lasts 48 hours and is taught 100% virtually.
Career Description
The Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Planning aims to train educational administrators and planners in the planning, organization, management, control and evaluation of educational projects with an innovative vision, which through the continuous improvement of processes, allow to raise the quality of these institutions.
The labor field of the specialist in Higher Education is developed through the following professional range:
- Advising private or public educational institutions in the face of global trends in higher education and their impact on educational programs or projects in which it participates.
- Teaching at the university educational level using resources and processes that are linked to educational technology.
- Advising higher education institutions in terms of strategies and techniques of didactic planning and learning evaluation, taking into account the different profiles, functions, types and moments to be considered in the construction of relevant instruments.
- Researcher in the educational field through the development of proposals to increase leadership and innovation capabilities and the development of the university educational sector.
On the other hand, the Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Planning opens the doors to various fields of work:
- Consultancy and intervention in educational administration processes in general, and within these, those of planning, in relation to educational programs or projects.
- Consultancy in financial management as a means of approaching the budget of expenses in educational centers or of projects or programs.
- Researcher in the administrative field of education.
- Consultancy and intervention in the formulation of educational guidelines and management plans in the public or private field.
- Training of teaching professionals with competencies to participate in strategic planning, carry out diagnoses, formulate or carry out educational research projects, as members of interdisciplinary teams.
- Independent work in the formulation of proposals to increase leadership capacities and educational innovation, in response to calls made by national and international organizations and/or agencies for the development of the sector.
All applicants must submit the following documents, which must be scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be filed in the respective platform:
- Bachelor's degree diploma or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner the document must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of their respective country. If the country does not have a consulate, this procedure must be carried out before the official authorities that validate it).
- Certificate of credits or bachelor's degree grades or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner, the document must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective country. If the country does not have a consulate, this procedure must be carried out before the official authorities that validate it).
- Identity card or passport (in case of foreigners residing in Panama).
- A current passport-size photo.
- Admission form filled out with the promoter in electronic format.
Students enrolled in virtual mode, whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must submit a copy of the identity document of the country of origin.
In case of being a foreigner, the documents must be submitted with an apostille stamp or legalization through diplomatic channels and translated into Spanish if applicable.
The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation and capacity to obtain the academic degree.
Given the Cyberhumanist Curricular Educational Model of the University, the student must:
- Maintain a minimum academic index 00, on a scale of 1.00 to 3.00.
- Pass each subject with a minimum grade of 81, on a scale of 1.00 to 100, which is equivalent to letter B.
- Study individually and in teams.
- Develop research skills and learn from discovery.
- Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that interests him/her.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education Science and Technology and the students.
- Comply with payments in a timely manner.
- Attend 80% of the scheduled meetings in each subject under the face-to-face modality (in case of prolonged absence, present the respective justification). For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all the activities planned in the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the student's autonomous work.
- Have basic computer skills (this requirement is mandatory for all students in the specialization and master's degree programs).
To obtain the title of Specialist in Higher Education, the following is required:
- Complete and pass all subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points, on a scale of 0 to 100, equivalent to B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than 2.00, on a scale of 0 to 3.00.
- Present a foreign language exam or certificate recognized by UNESCO, valid for at least 40 hours (in case of not having the above, the University offers English or other language courses, which must be paid for in addition).
- Complete, support and approve the 80-hour teaching internship.
- Be in good standing with the Institution in every concept: financial, academic, and with the library.
In order to obtain the Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Planning, the following is required:
- Satisfactorily pass all the subjects of the study plan.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.00, on a scale of 0 to 3.00.
- Take a foreign language exam or certificate recognized by UNESCO, valid for at least 40 hours (five years).
- Elaborate, support and approve the graduation work or equivalent.
- Be in good standing with the Institution in every concept: financial, academic, and with the library.
Knowledge (Know)
- Knows the global trends in higher education and the impact they have on the educational programs or projects in which he/she participates.
- Recognizes the theories of education and learning so that they can be used to develop didactic situations in the classroom.
- Identifies the components, strategies and techniques of didactic planning and evaluation of learning, taking into account the different profiles, types, functions and moments in the construction of relevant instruments.
- Argues the didactic and instructional design foundations to promote the independent work of the student, making use of ICT in virtual and blended environments.
- Reflects critically on technology and educational innovations that promote the development of generic and specific competencies of the student, according to the needs of the university context.
- Interprets the reality and curricular need for competencies so that the student can enter the working world with high performance criteria.
Skills and Abilities (Doing)
- Incorporates global trends in higher education in the educational programs or projects in which he/she participates, contributing to the integral formation of the student.
- Develops educational projects and programs incorporating the theories of education and learning, so that they can be contextualized with the career in which he/she works.
- Designs strategies and instruments that facilitate the planning and evaluation of learning and final products.
- Performs teaching in the digital era to improve his/her practice as a teacher, using technological resources and processes that are linked to educational technology.
- Performs teaching practice in emerging environments that include virtual and blended learning, as a strategy to increase coverage and access to higher education.
- Designs a curriculum based on competencies, which integrates the minimum requirements necessary for the student to obtain the skills and abilities to successfully enter the labor market.
Attitudes (Being-Living)
- Is creative, ethical and social in the performance of teaching functions at a higher level.
- Assumes with leadership and suitability the generation of spaces that contribute to the enrichment of the educational reality and academic quality.
- Shows autonomy of thought to become a free being capable of learning by himself/herself.
- Respects the diversity of ideas and points of view that are presented during the teaching exercise at the university level.
- Demonstrates a high sense of solidarity and fairness with their behavior and the relationship they establish with other members of the academic community.
- Shows understanding, sympathy, courtesy and interest for others and for other people.
- Addresses conflict situations with other members of the university community in an empathetic manner.
- Shows interest in technological advances and their implications in the context of higher education.
- Assumes with commitment figures of collaborative work, in order to ensure and increase the quality of education in universities.
- Applies methodologies for the generation of ideas based on creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking.
- Identifies opportunities for growth in the midst of problematic situations that arise in the context of higher education.
- Convinces members of academic organizations with ideas, proposals or projects to strengthen higher education institutions.
- Formulates proposals to increase leadership and innovation capabilities in response to calls for proposals made by national and international organizations or agencies for the development of the university education sector.
Knowledge (Know)
- Founds the processes of administration in general, and within these, those of planning, of the educational programs or projects in which he/she participates.
- Examines the social, economic and political reality of Panama and the region to design educational projects and programs.
- Master the theoretical and conceptual bases to plan the administrative processes of the teaching-learning center, defining the levels of depth in which they should be treated.
- Considers the strategic planning approaches so that the educational organization meets its institutional objectives from a prospective vision.
- Distinguishes the different models, approaches and theories that support curricular design and evaluation as a project of institutional concretion.
- Evidences the need for intervention in education from the administrative field to meet institutional objectives, through research in accordance with the knowledge acquired and the lines of research approved by the University.
- Reflects critically on the applicability and benefits of technological tools in the exercise of administrative functions in educational centers.
- Analyzes financial management to address the expense budget of educational centers or of the projects or programs presented.
- Categorizes the policies or guidelines established around education, as well as the programs or projects promoted by the government, with the objective of guaranteeing continuous improvement.
- Recognizes the normative framework, working methods and procedures for the development of the activities of the education programs.
Attitudes (Being - Living)
- Promotes harmonious development in the organization in order to meet the educational objectives.
- Assumes with commitment the development of the curriculum, according to the intentions of the educational center.
- Acts ethically and is aware of the implications of exercising the administrative functions of the school.
- Shows respect for the diversity of ideas, thoughts and proposals aimed at improving the quality of education.
- Listens empathetically to the suggestions of the staff of the educational institution, contributing to the culture of teamwork.
- Demonstrates a high sense of solidarity and fairness with their behavior and the relationship they establish with other members of the academic community.
- Shows understanding, sympathy, courtesy and interest for others and for other people.
- Addresses conflict situations among the staff of the educational community in a pertinent manner, resorting to mechanisms based on emotional management.
- Has a clear perception of the impact generated by new technologies, both on the people who receive the services and on those who create them.
- Respects the norms and policies that govern the educational context of Panama and Latin America.
Skills and Abilities (Doing)
- Develops educational plans, programs and projects oriented to the administration of the educational center where he/she provides services.
- Designs strategies and instruments that facilitate the follow-up and control of administrative processes and final products.
- Manages multimedia equipment and other technological resources to apply them to the principles and processes linked to information and knowledge management in the management of educational institutions.
- Participates in decision making at the managerial level by the corresponding authorities, thus contributing to the technical organization of the educational center.
- Promotes policies and management plans related to educational activities.
- Promotes values and actions in educational communities to meet curricular intentions.
- Presents innovative ideas for teaching methodology and other areas of the educational task.
- Coordinates pedagogical teams capable of generating, implementing and evaluating institutional educational projects.
- Exercises leadership in the conduction and development of research projects in teaching and other areas.
- Expresses curiosity and promotes research as a way to give constructive answers to questions.
- Trains teachers with competence to participate in strategic planning, carry out diagnoses, formulate or execute educational research projects, as members of interdisciplinary teams.
- Promotes multidisciplinary participation in the development of research projects.
- Formulates educational proposals in accordance with the guidelines of the government and institutions linked to the strengthening of the educational sector at a global level.
- Assumes with commitment figures of collaborative work, in order to increase the sustainable possibilities of the educational service.
- Applies methodologies for the generation of ideas based on creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking.
- Identifies opportunities for growth in the midst of problem situations that arise in the educational context.
- Establishes relationships for the formulation and implementation of ideas and proposals that strengthen educational development.
- Convinces the members of the academic organization with ideas, proposals or projects to strengthen the administration and planning of educational centers.
- Formulates proposals to increase the capacities of leadership and educational innovation, facing the calls made by national and international organizations or agencies for the development of the sector.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.