Umecit – University in Panama

Master’s Degree in
General Management


4 Quarters
1 year and 4 months


Semi face-to-face / Virtual


Economic and Administrative Sciences

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Master's Degree in General Management

Career Description

The race of Master's Degree in General Management It is based on a curricular option that includes the areas of business management, sales management and planning. The professional in the area will design the internal structure of the organization based on the objectives and growth goals.

It is a superior program strategically conceived to focus on the development of the managerial skills and competencies necessary for the management of global companies.

The particularity of the program is that it provides participants with all the necessary tools to successfully manage companies with a high component of internationalization and innovation, in various positions of responsibility (managerial or executive positions) and whatever the size of the organization ( small, medium or large companies).

With this innovative program philosophy, the aim is to offer a vision of where the future of managing a global company is headed.

The labor field for the Master's Degree in General Management is classified as follows:


  • Carry out business creation projects or innovative projects.
  • Develop leadership strategies to ensure the success of the company and institution.

Advice and Consultancy:

  • Guide administrative and control processes in relation to products and services offered by the organization.


  • Promote competitiveness and the generation of projects to value the service of the company.
  • Create administrative control systems and provide the necessary resources.

The Program is aimed at professionals from any specialty area who converge in the multidisciplinary management of an administration, business, accounting, finance project, whether from public or private organizations. By virtue of this, the entry requirements for the Specialization and the Master's Degree in General Management are the following:

  • Scan of the original degree diploma or its equivalent (if you are a foreigner, the document must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country.
  • Scan of credits or degree notes or its equivalent (if you are a foreigner, the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country.
  • Scanner of the identity card or passport in the case of foreigners and residing in Panama during their studies.
  • Two passport size photos.
    Application letter
  • Fill out the application form in electronic format.

Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document (ID) from the country of origin.

The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. The duration of permanence at the University will be a minimum of four (4) quarters. The student must maintain an Academic Index of at least 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 81 (B) to remain in both the Specialization and the Master's Degree.
Given the characteristics of the University the student will be able to perform in terms of:
  • Study in teams and individually. Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
  • Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
  • Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education Science and Technology and the students of the Institution.
  • Keep their payments up to date.
  • Attend 80% of the meetings.
  • In case of prolonged absence, duly present the argument
  • For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
To obtain the Specialist Title in General Management, the following is required:
  • Take and pass the academic content of the first two (2) semesters, containing 27 credits.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00). Not have subjects lower than 81.
  • Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
  • Certify management of computer tools. Prepare, support and approve the degree work (monograph).
  • Good standing with the University in all matters (academic, financial and library).
To obtain the Master's Degree in General Management, the following is required:
  • To have satisfactorily passed all the subjects of the study plan.
  • Not have subjects lower than 81.
  • Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
  • Present an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years), not less than 40 hours.
  • Submit an exam or certificate in the use of computer tools, not less than 40 hours.
  • Have developed, supported and approved their thesis (degree work).
    Good standing with the University in all matters (academic, financial and library).
Knowledge (Knowing)
  • Has cognitive flexibility and openness to new problem-solving strategies in accordance with the instruments and techniques of operational finance.
  • Achieves the necessary information for the systematic application of financial accounting techniques to solve financial problems, obtain accurate data and achieve results as planned.
  • Obtains precise knowledge about the techniques, methods and procedures for financial analysis that will result in a reliable diagnosis of the company's financial health.
  • Master the conceptual foundations for research in favor of approaching problems related to finance from a scientific perspective.
  • It promotes an analytical, reflective, critical, creative, orienting mentality and with a promoting capacity that allows it to have an active and leading participation in decision-making related to costs.
  • Master the financial management instruments that will allow the company to invest in a balanced portfolio and with the possibility of obtaining positive long-term results.
  • He has the conceptual knowledge, typical of his area of training that serves as the basis for undertaking actions, processes and projects and exercising leadership.
  • He achieves extensive knowledge of national and international development to guarantee a harmonious insertion of life in society and the creation of new companies, specifically in the area of finance.
Skills and Abilities (Doing)
  • Applies finances in order to produce information based on true data with the purpose of obtaining a global vision of the company and to achieve the planned results.
  • Elaborates diagnoses using operational finance as a tool, establishing the interest rates to be used in the analysis to obtain the adequate yield for the company
  • Design reports on financial accounting that can be used by the company's management to improve their decision making and impact financial results.
  • Formulates complete financial analyzes on the financial health of the company, through the application of techniques, procedures and methods consistent with the type of organization or institution.
  • Develop projects or research proposals that promote intervention in the field of finance, through specific methodologies of said disciplinary field.
  • Presents solution proposals to address cost problems in the various areas of the company that are relevant to the achievement of established goals.
  • Applies financial management instruments to the comprehensive analysis of the company in order to choose the values that will be part of the company's investment portfolio that allows obtaining the required returns.
  • Prepare budgets for all areas of the company, which affects the planned and expected results according to the type of activity to which the organization is dedicated.
  • Handle conflicting situations with clients.
  • He is capable of analyzing, reasoning, justifying facts and will elaborate arguments to become a free being, capable of learning on his own.
  • Answer questions and situations in daily and professional life.
  • Manifests a strong sense of solidarity and fairness in his/her behavior patterns and relationship with customers and potential markets.
  • Shows understanding, sympathy, courtesy and interest for others and for other people.
  • Demonstrates ethical commitment, leadership skills, initiative and curiosity in the formulation of financial projects.
  • Develop a harmonious climate that fosters effective interpersonal relationships between financial experts, leaders, and people who support innovative projects.
  • Values the importance of finance as an integral system for the economic development of companies.
  • Shows ethical commitment to the execution of their assigned activities and responsibilities.
  • It reflects a proactive, collaborative and respectful attitude towards the exercise of their duties. Respect the participation and points of view of all members of the work team.
  • Handles with total discretion all institutional information that could go against the principles of the company.
  • Promotes teamwork to achieve the stipulated objectives effectively, efficiently and effectively.
  • Exercises leadership and decision-making skills with innovative, ethical and normative character.
  • Generate business opportunities from emerging problems in the field of logistics.
  • It articulates efforts with national and international organizations for the development of business initiatives related to the logistics, maritime and port sector.
  • It presents business ideas based on the application of methodologies for the detection of opportunities and risks in the logistics and port market.
  • Master strategic instruments to achieve the maturation and scaling of ideas, projects or programs in favor of the development of logistics in Panama and Latin America.
Master's Degree in General Management

Contact us and start now

Headquarters C Panama Masters

Phone: (+507) 263-2519
Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.

La Chorrera Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Phone: (+507) 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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