Umecit – University in Panama

Master’s Degree in
Business Administration with Emphasis in Human Resources


5 Quarters
1 year and 8 months


Semi face-to-face / Virtual


Economic and Administrative Sciences

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Master's Degree in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Human Resources

Career Description

The program of the Master's Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources seeks to train professionals in the analysis of behavior and organizational development, as well as in managerial decision-making, and in the formulation of projects in order to contribute to the development, productivity and competitiveness of a company, taking into account the approach of human talent to guarantee the development of human resources, from individual and collective behavior.

Additionally, the Master's Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources aims to promote the necessary skills to strategically manage human capital, which represents a fundamental asset for the generation of value, and turns it into a source of competitive advantage. Human capital must be professionally directed and managed to enhance productivity and business results.

Organizations and companies require authentic and comprehensive professionals in the areas of leadership and management of human talent or human resources to build stronger entities.
The field of employment for graduates of the Master of Business Administration with an emphasis on Human Resources are, among others:
  • Consulting in the public or private sector.
  • Consulting in audits and review of human resources management processes.
  • General management in human resources.
  • Management in administrative and organizational strategies of human talent.
  • Direction in human resources management.

The Program is aimed at related professionals who converge in the multidisciplinary management of business administration and management with special emphasis on the management of human talent, whether from public or private organizations. By virtue of this, the entry requirements for the Specialization in Business Administration and the Master's Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Human Resources, are the following documents that must be scanned from their original and sent to the promoter to be hosted on the platform respective:

  • Bachelor's degree or its equivalent (if you are a foreigner, the document must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country.)
  • Credits or grades of the bachelor’s degree or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner, the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective country).

Identity document, identity card or passport in the case of foreigners and reside in Panama during their studies.

  • Two passport size photos.
  • Application letter
  • Fill out the application form in electronic format.

Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document (ID) from the country of origin.

The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student, on his motivation, ability and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. The duration of stay at the University will be five (5) quarters as a minimum. The student must maintain a minimum Academic Index of 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 81 (B) to stay in both the Specialization and the Master's.
  • Given the characteristics of the University the student will be able to perform in terms of:
    • Study in teams and individually.
    • Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
    • Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
  • Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education Science and Technology and the students of the Institution.
  • Keeping your payments up to date.
  • Attend the 80% of the scheduled meetings. In case of prolonged absence, duly present the justified argumentation. For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated through constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
To obtain the Business Administration Specialist Title, the following is required:
  • Study and pass the academic content of the two (2) semesters, containing 24 credits.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
  • Maintain a grade point average equal or higher than 2.0 and have no subjects lower than 81.
  • Present an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years), not less than 40 hours.
  • Submit an exam or certificate in the use of computer tools, not less than 40 hours.
  • Elaborate, support and approve the degree work (monograph).
  • Treasury good standing in all concepts, (Tuition, monthly fees, grade fees, among others) and library fees.
To obtain the Master's Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on human resources, the following is required:
  • Take and pass the academic contents of the five (5) semesters, content of 62 credits.
  • To have satisfactorily passed all the subjects of the study plan.
  • Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
  • Present an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years), no less than 40 hours. Prepare, support and approve the thesis (the degree work).
  • Generate a scientific article product of the research work.
  • Submit an exam or certificate in the management of computer tools, not less than 40 hours. Treasury good standing in all concepts, (enrollment, monthly payments, degree rights, among others.) and library.

  • Apply strategies to analyze the behavior of companies.
  • Analyze accounting statements for decision making. Applies techniques for the preparation of reports based on quantitative methods.
  • Analyzes the importance of managerial marketing for optimal business management.
  • Interpret banking and economic regulations to assess the business market Manage strategies for financial decision making.
  • /ul> Doing
    • Prepare financial reports.
    • Make projections based on quantitative methods useful for decision making.
    • Build marketing programs for the industry or service.
    • Develop instruments for business research.
    • Carry out programs related to management information management.
    • Develop the attitude of creative and innovative response, in the face of changes typical of business.
    • Leadership capacity in processes and decision-making.
    • Develop decision-making, planning, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.
    • Feel the financial dynamics of the company.
    • Understands the importance of institutional resources within the economy
    • Contributes to the construction of the social fabric from the financial management of the company.
    • Presents a proposal for the optimization of financial resources.
    • Generates analysis and financial optimization models in a company.
    • Ability to generate new companies with feasibility evaluation.

  • Develop scientific research programs.
  • Analyzes the problems of the private and public sectors
  • Proposes solutions consistent with the needs and available resources, by identifying
  • Solves problems related to the company's human talent
  • Identifies and analyzes the problem in order to design, manage and evaluate the appropriate strategies with human resources.
  • It carries out studies of business human capital, as well as its possibilities for improvement and its evolution.
  • Analyzes the legal-institutional framework in which they develop their labor and human activity both nationally and internationally.
  • Executes direction and management techniques applied to the particularities of companies.
  • Prepares personnel development models according to the characteristics of the company, whether national or international.
  • Analyzes situations critically and proposes viable solutions with objectivity and realism.
  • It elaborates a global and totalizing vision of the complex socio-labor relations that arise in the different modes of production historically developed and in force.
  • Perfect the theoretical foundations of the specialty and guide it in the best possible direction.
  • Feel the work and personal dynamics of the company
  • Understands the importance of human resources within the development of a company Contributes to the construction of the social fabric from the management of the company's human talent
  • Presents proposals for the optimization of human capital
  • Generates analysis and optimization models of human talent in a company
  • Ability to generate new companies based on human capital
Master's Degree in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Human Resources

Contact us and start now

Headquarters C Panama Masters

Phone: (+507) 263-2519
Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.

La Chorrera Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters

Phone: (+507)788-0018
Phone: (+507) 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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