Umecit – University in Panama

Bachelor's Degree in
Graphic Design


12 semesters


Face-to-face, Blended, Virtual


Technology, Construction, and Environment

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Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Career Description

The Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design, attached to the Faculty of Technology, Construction and Environment, will allow the professional to develop skills to capture and transmit graphically, from the simplest to the most complex concepts in a creative way. The graphic designer is the person who interprets, orders and produces visual messages and is capable of organizing, projecting, coordinating and selecting visual elements to transmit messages supported by technological design tools.

The competencies developed by the professional of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design include knowledge in drawing, creativity, advertising, marketing, general graphic design and software tools for graphic design, drawing and animation.

Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design will have a wide range of job development that involves commercial, industrial, manufacturing, trade, governmental and non-profit organizations where the promotion and dissemination of graphic or digital material is developed.

The Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design is also complemented by areas such as mathematics, geometry, art, photography, linguistics, cultural expressions, among others, which strengthen the comprehensive training of professionals in this career.

The bachelor's degree in graphic design allows students to acquire skills to transmit concepts graphically in a creative way. Thus, its labor field will be attached to interpret, order, and produce visual messages through technological design tools, having a broad spectrum of employment in both the public and private sector and as an independent professional:

Public and private sector:

  • Creative manager.
  • Brand developer or web and digital media designer.
  • Designer specializing in digital photography retouching.
  • Digital illustrator or designer of audiovisual productions and environments


  • Animator and 3D modeler.
  • Design and art direction.

Advertising and corporate image as a freelancer:

  • Photography.
  • Web, graphic or mobile designs.
  • Enterprise image desing.
  • Printing, stationery and images.
  • Logo design.

Entry Requirements All applicants must present the following documentation, duly scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be hosted on the respective platform: 

  • High school diploma or its equivalent. 
  • High school credits or grades or their equivalent. 
  • Identity document, ID card or passport.
  • A current passport size photo.  
  • Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter. 

Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from the country of origin (ID or the one that takes its place). 

  • If you are a foreigner, documents such as your high school diploma or its equivalent, high school credits or grades or its equivalent must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, it must carry out the procedure with the official authorities that validate it and have the endorsement of MEDUCA.
  • Original and copy (collation) of high school diploma and credits approved by MEDUCA or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner, the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective country and have the endorsement of the Ministry of Education of Panama).
  • Two photocopies of the identity card, in case of being a minor, birth certificate (in case of being a foreigner, passport). Two passport-size photographs.
  • Certificate of good health.
  • Hold an interview with the selection team.
  • Fill out the application form for admission to the program.

Given the profile of the University's “NEO CYBERHUMANIST” curricular educational model, the student must:

  • Permanence at the University will depend, solely and exclusively on the student, on their motivation, ability and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.
  • To pass each subject, the participant must obtain a minimum grade of 71 on a scale of 1 to 100, which is equivalent to literal C.
  • Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the

relations between the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology and the students of the Institution, taking into account principles and values of the human being.

  • Keep payments up to date.
  • Attend at least 80% of the meetings scheduled in person and

blended. In case of prolonged absence, you must properly present the

argument that justifies it.

  • For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
  • The student is responsible for the construction of their knowledge, willingness to work and collaborative learning, study in a team on their own, investigate, be self-taught and contribute to self-knowledge and self-motivation.
  • For those students who lose academic continuity (i.e. defer or withdraw) and wish to continue their studies or did not fulfill their degree requirement, they must apply for reinstatement to the current program approved by CTDA and must comply with the validation and homologation regulations.
  • The term of permanence at the University will be in accordance with the number of quarters that make up the academic program.
  • The student in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event must submit to the contingency plans or document that takes its place.

To obtain the title of Technician is required:

  • Take and pass all the subjects of the study plan with a minimum grade of 71 points equivalent to a C.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three (1 to 3).
  • Take and pass the specialization seminar or diploma.
  • Be at peace and safe with the institution (financial, academic and library).

To obtain the Bachelor's degree, the following is required:

  • Take and pass all the subjects of the study plan with a minimum grade of 71 points equivalent to a C.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three (1 to 3).
  • Take and pass the business practice corresponding to 176 hours stipulated in the study plan; support and approve the practice report.
  • Take and pass one of the following degree option requirements:

– A knowledge test.

– Elaborate, support and approve a project ( degree project) in their area of knowledge.

– Postgraduate subjects.

  • Be at peace and safe with the institution (financial, academic and library).
  • Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.

The graduate of the degree is a professional capable of:

  • Develop graphic design projects in a comprehensive manner, that is, considering their conceptualization, formalization, production and evaluation.
  • Contribute to communication processes and the construction of an environment with ethical, aesthetic, symbolic and functional values, with a historical perspective and a projection towards the construction of a social project.
  • Adapt to technological changes and contribute innovatively to the processes of image creation, production and socialization using new digital media.
  • A professional capable of generating design solutions consistent with the context, time and resources, which allows evaluating the most effective solution to the design problem and which contributes to improving the quality of life of society.
  • Continuously enrich your training process aimed at permanently updating your knowledge and strengthening your investigative spirit, to be able to interact in the global contexts demanded by current social and professional dynamics.
  • Have the skills to make your professional activity effective in the productive, business and institutional context, through project management and planning.

The graphic designer is required in fields related to graphic production and visual communication. It is an interdisciplinary activity that interacts closely with other disciplines of marketing, advertising, graphic arts, technology, audiovisual communication, social communication and the humanities.

1.1. Fields of action:

  • Editorial design: books, magazines, newspapers and other publications in print and electronic media.
  • Visual identity: brands, symbols, logos, identity projects and systems and coordinated image.
  • Advertising design: campaigns and advertising pieces in different media and supports.
  • Audiovisual design: cinema, television, video.
  • Design of electronic and interactive applications: internet, multimedia.
  • Design for objects: packaging, three-dimensional applications, graphics applied to industrial objects.
  • Design for the environment: signage, exhibitions, notices, virtual interfaces.
  • Formulation and development of research projects related to history, image and communication theory, or the development of experimental graphic and visual creation projects.
  • Teaching, research and extension education at different levels of training.

1.2. KNOW

  • Make decisions in the constant search for possibilities, trying to discover effects and defects in an objective, reasoned and systematic way.
  • Investigate alternatives that are creative and effective in the field of visual communication, aimed at the common good and the dignity of the human being.
  • Organize campaigns with a conceptual design where visual communication establishes an optical link and adequate communication between each other.
  • Visualize certain design projects with the support of modern technology and media.
  • Use multimedia technologies or their equivalents to develop communication strategies.
  • Analyzes specific methodological processes of visual communication media that will provide appropriate solutions to the communication process.

1.3. DO

  • Design visual communication proposals satisfying the needs of different contexts.
  • Applies specific materials and processes in the elaboration of two-dimensional forms.
  • Integrate images by creating two-dimensional shapes.
  • Use normative criteria and techniques in the development of visual communication strategies.

1.4. BE/LIVE

  • Feel and act with vocation.
  • It is a trainer of men and women who face, preserving personal, family and cultural values, the demands of a complex and dynamic world.
  • He has a balanced, strong and healthy personality.
  • It is a social entity that acts, not only based on its own personal well-being, but also collectively.
  • Exercise leadership skills.
  • He has a high sense of self-esteem.
  • In your guild, your actions must be balanced, judicious, responsible.
  • Values education as permanent and continuous learning.
  • Affirms values and actions that contribute to human and social transformation, and the preservation of ecological diversity.
  • You have initiative and creativity in order to develop independent intellectual activity through research and study.
  • He has social awareness, responsibility and an attitude of dedication to work and also a sense of justice and personal and professional integrity.
  • Respect historical heritage, cultural, linguistic and ecological diversity.


  • Presents proposals for the optimization of the technological resources used and visual communication projects.
  • Generates new projects and strategies for the development of visual communication with high technological standards in digital media.
  • Ability to generate new technological-based, professional companies with high technological standards in the use of tools (equipment and software).
Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

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(+507) 264-8154
(+507) 395-7383


Via Veneto, LA street, Building 49B, Bella Vista.

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