Umecit – University in Panama

Faculty of Health Sciences


The Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology, through the Faculty of Health Sciences, trains professionals in administrative management, teaching, research and healthcare work. These programs seek to develop skills through academic spaces and practices, transferring knowledge to the work field. Programs include Bachelor's Degrees in Medical Records and Health Statistics, Health Education (Health Promotion), Physiotherapy, General Psychology and Occupational Health and Safety, integrating teaching, research and extension.

The Faculty of Health Sciences stands out for its high employability, flexibility in study modalities, alliances with entities in the health sector, and teachers with extensive experience. It has facilities such as a Physiotherapy center and a simulation laboratory. In addition, it publishes the magazine SALUTA, where articles and essays on Health Sciences are found, and guarantees research protocols with its Bioethics Committee.

The Faculty focuses on training caring, committed and entrepreneurial professionals, with innovative programs updated to the needs of society.

Learn about our programs


Degree programs

Graduate Programs

Faculty News

UMECIT promotes leadership and research in Psychology through the “Transformation Roundtables”

From the Faculty of Technology, Construction and Environment of UMECIT, we continue to advance in our processes of internationalization and inter-institutional collaboration. Together with the Corporación Universitaria del Meta (UNIMETA) and under the coordination of research professor Claudia Mojica and Biologist Jesús González, on Saturday, September 28, an enriching conversation was held for students of Building Technology and Electrical Engineering Technology.

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UMECIT Inaugurates the Manufacturing Laboratory -FabLab- with the Support of SENACYT

Thanks to the funding provided by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation -SENACYT-, within the framework of the Public Call for Innovation Projects 2023, UMECIT inaugurated its Manufacturing Laboratory (Fab Lab) at the Venetto B headquarters. This achievement is due to the project presented by Dr. Giovanni Chávez, professor and researcher at our University.

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